Signing for a small non-android distribution


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Longtime User
Hello, all.

I am a raw newbie to Android programming, just so you know.

I created a simple app based on the mySql example.

I have been using the B4A bridge to debug; everything works great.

Now I want to sign my app so I can give it to a few friends to test.

I am thinking I need to do this to avoid the "Waiting for debug IDE to connect" message, which seems to come up when the app is first installed and run w/o use of the bridge, or maybe also when the device is first rebooted.

However, It is not clear (to me) with the latest version of B4A how to create a signed app. I was following the below tutorial:

as a guide, I was going to uncheck "Include Debug Information" and "Attach Debugger" but no such option exists in v. 1.80.

Using the "Private Sign Key" function I did create a dummy key and it is selected within the IDE for my project, AFAICT.

But how to compile? I can select only compile w/o signing or the regular run and debug options.

Here are my questions:

1. How do I activate and cause to be included a signature for my app?

2. What compile options do I use?

3. Where will the APK file be found after performing the above?

4. What will it be called?

Or please steer me to a step by step process doc for what I am trying to do.

Many thanks for an absolutely GREAT product.



Licensed User
Longtime User
I am thinking I need to do this to avoid the "Waiting for debug IDE to connect" message, which seems to come up when the app is first installed and run w/o use of the bridge, or maybe also when the device is first rebooted.

This message appears when you select the following :

Project --> Attach Debugger

Untick this and it won't display.

Doh, just re-read!! I'm using 1.70 so this option is in there... How are you generating the code? I would guess, from the options or dropdowns in 1.80 you just need to select Run and it should generate a non-debug version of the APK.

I'll try and install 1.80 soon, but I'm in the middle of a development cycle and want to minimise the turbulence...
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Licensed User
Longtime User
In v1.80 you'll see a dropdown box in the top right. The options are (from memory) Debug, Release, and Release (obfuscated). Just choose one of the last two choices.
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