Android Question Simple app with no interface?

Dustin Tinsley

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Longtime User
I made a very simple app that all it does is launch another app at startup. I made this to have custom banners on a 3rd party launcher. It works fine with one exception: it takes a bout 1/2 a second for the new app the launch. before it launches the interface for my simple app is shown. is there anyway to completely hide the interface or have a 100% transparent interface? Thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
Try using the translucent theme on your activity. Add the B4A equivalent to this to your manifest in your Activity tag:
- Colin.
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Dustin Tinsley

Licensed User
Longtime User
This is the code I used:


SetActivityAttribute(main, android:theme, @android:style/Theme.Translucent.NoTitleBar)

And set the activity color:

Activity.Color = Colors.Transparent
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