Simple Calculator


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Well here it is, my attempt at a simple calculator.
Hope it's OK.

I've kept is simple and tried to keep the code to a minimum.
As normal it doesn't quite display the same on the desktop as it does on the device. The text on the buttons is larger on the desktop.



  • PPC Calc.sbp
    6.2 KB · Views: 436


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Simple is often better than complex (or overload). ;)

But everyone should be aware: this attempt doesn't support the simpliest mathematical rules (calculate * or / before + or -).
2 + 3 * 4 results in 20 instead of the correct 14.

If I were in the jury of the competition, I would give zero points... :sign0013:

But I'm sure really can do it better... :sign0152:


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The basical calculator doesnt do the operation in the "matematical" order, but in the input order...
So does RandomCoder's, I give full points to it...
The rules stated "a working calculator" ( maybe not to the letter...), and this one is one!!


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Well here it is, my attempt at a simple calculator.
Hope it's OK.

I'm well impressed by it :sign0188:

The troubles :sign0148: with my last attempt at coding, and :signOops: (Endemol), has sort of held/put me off coding, hence, I didn't even attempt a go at a calculator. I still can't believe I've got the code for a good app but it's :sign0079:

Nice one Random :)


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I have to say that I dindt get around to code my calculator....Thougth I had some cool ideas, like skinneable, lcd display look, omong others...

I guess that waht you are trying to say is that we all expected a more "professional" aproch to the competition, but I have to say, that most of us code for fun, and only a few for money, and we can count by hand the ones that code for personal profit...

Competiotion is just a way of showing what we have learn, and see how other people deal with the "exact" same problem...

To me, anyone that could finish their calculator in time is a winner, as long as it gives 2+2=4


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I guess that waht you are trying to say is that we all expected a more "professional" aproch to the competition

Competiotion is just a way of showing what we have learn, and see how other people deal with the "exact" same problem...

To me, anyone that could finish their calculator in time is a winner, as long as it gives 2+2=4
But if we call it a competition, I think it should be possible to value an attempt. It was my personal view and as I said, I am sure that RandomCoder could do very, very much better.

If I made someone angry, especially you RandomCoder :sign0013:


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Specci48, my friend you have not angered me or anyone with your comments :)

I initially wanted to make my calculator work as Erel's example does, in that you write the expression in full and then hit solve and out pops a result.
This is how my Texas Calc does the job, but when I got stuck into writing the code I found that this was a much more complex task than I had first envisaged.

Most of my time is taken up with work, family and life, although I love to learn and attempt new things, therefore I just opted for a very simple (basic) calculator. Most of which was done during meal times at work.
I like the idea of a competition because it allows others (including myself) to see the many different ways there are of approaching a problem. This can only help to improve ones understanding of the language and the 'tricks' of the trade.

Please forgive my poor attempt at the competition but also understand that I only entered for fun and to show that I could also produce something that worked ;)
I have a great deal of respect for everyone on this forum and would love to be able to code half as good as some of them :sign0188:
