This resolved the problem
If FirstTime Then
End If
I'm still not sure what the purpose of InitializeSpinner1 event is for.
Since you haven't mentioned getting an error on the Initialize line, I assume that you are not loading a Designer layout with the spinner in it.
Anyway, if you Initialize the spinner only the FirstTime, then you will get an error if Android restarts your app, such as when you rotate the device.
Also, the Event name InitializeSpinner1 seems confusing since it seems unlikely that you are using the spinner's Click event to initialize anything, much less Spinner1. Normally you would just say:
Then the Click Event sub will be
Sub Spinner1_Click(...) instead of
Sub InitializeSpinner1_Click(...).
But say that you had multiple Spinners and you wanted them all to use the same Click event, then you would initialize them all with the same event name, such as Spin1.Initialize("Spin"), Spin2.Initialize("Spin"), etc.
In case you are saying that you don't know what the Spinner's Click event is for --
The Spinner is like a Label with a drop-down list. You can click on an item in the list to select it and the Click event tells you which item you clicked.