Android Question Simple translation


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I'm looking for a simple way to translate some text.
I've found a few threads here but A. I don't understand them and B. they are mostly outdated.

For starters I would like to translate a simple paragraph of text but maybe in the future I would like to translate a html file I create and display in my current app.

I found this thread which seems simple enough but no longer works.

Has anyone got a sample working that I could look at please.



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At this stage I would like to put a translate button below each thread in the feedback like some forums have.


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B4X founder
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All translation services provide a REST API. It is just a matter of registering and making the correct call.

Example with Google Translate service:
B4J non-ui
Sub Process_Globals
    Private API_KEY As String = "AIzaSyC..."
End Sub

Sub AppStart (Args() As String)
    Translate("ניסיון אחת שתיים שלוש", "he", "en")
End Sub

Sub Translate (Text As String, SourceLang As String, TargetLang As String)
    Dim m As Map = CreateMap("q": Text, "source": SourceLang, "target": TargetLang, "format": "text")
    Dim jg As JSONGenerator
    Dim j As HttpJob
    j.Initialize("", Me)
    j.PostString($"${API_KEY}"$, jg.ToString)
    Wait For (j) JobDone(j As HttpJob)
    If j.Success Then
        Dim p As JSONParser
        Dim result As Map = p.NextObject
        Dim data As Map = result.Get("data")
        Dim translations As List = data.Get("translations")
        For Each t As Map In translations
    End If
End Sub

For this to work, you need to register with Google Cloud Platform and, enable the translate API and create an API key.

This is a server side solution. Assuming that it is a public app then you should create a simple server with B4J which acts as a middleman between the mobile apps and the translation service.
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if you actually know the strings you want to display SD has a good example (well I liked it) in his calendar example that depending the devices default language, changes the calendar day headings, and the month to those used by the relevant language. Not much good if you want on the fly translating of course, but I thought it was worth a mention
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