Android Question SimpleMediaManager no RESIZE MODE effect on Animated WebP


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Hi everyone, im loading a local animated webp file using MediaManager.SetMediaFromFile, file loads ok and plays perfect but can set the EXTRA

Dim extra As Map = CreateMap( MediaManager.REQUEST_RESIZE_MODE: "FILL" )

None of the options work or make a difference: FILL, FILL_WIDTH, FIT...etc, panel has 60dip x 60dip from a pre created layout, but always content(webp) overflows inside panel. my webp is 512x512px size.

Example file

I can only see the top left corner of the image when loaded to panel.

Can you check this please @Erel.

Help are very appreciated.
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Thanks for your reply, are you using a template design or adding panels programmatically?

Im rechecking my template...
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I tried the SMM example with no luck, it appears image always at 512px, not fitting panels:

Dim extra As Map = CreateMap( MediaManager.REQUEST_BACKGROUND: xui.Color_Yellow)
    MediaManager.SetMediaWithExtra(Pane1, "", "image/webp", extra)

without extra map has the same results but without yellow background

What is your exact configuration to fit panel size?


If i set MIME TYPE to Image/* it fits the panel ok, but without animation, static image only.


    10.3 KB · Views: 220
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This is how it looks here:

View attachment 130088

WebP is a native feature in Android. I've tested it on an Android 12 device. I guess that you are using an older version which doesn't support scaling animated WebP images.
images are playing or just static?

i tested on Android 9 emulator, and Android 10 real with same results.

So conclussions for AnimatedWebp om SMM:
Unstable on Android 11 to lower?
Works only on Android 12+?
Not a replacement for other solutions
Experimental use only.

So i keep using my old library based on Pengfeizhou apng webp, until a real B4A awebp native solution?
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Tested in 3 real devices:
- Android 7 - don't show any images
- Android 10 - animated webp - don't fit in the small panel
- Android 12 - animated webp - fit in different panel sizes
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Tested in 3 real devices:
- Android 7 - don't show any images
- Android 10 - animated webp - don't fit in the small panel
- Android 12 - animated webp - fit in different panel sizes
im thinking on using webview + css, but still not tested if it consumes high resources in a listview(every item with a webview), my lib currently has some critical errors, i will test this week.
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