Android Question SimpleMediaManager SMM Example Downloads 600 Images. What if Number is not Divisible by Four


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Erel’s example 2 of SMM downloads 600 images and works well. If I change the number of downloaded images to say 26 which is not a number divisible by 4 (number of images per row), the number of images is automatically padded by 2 more images to make it 28 which is divisible by 4. What happens if the available pictures to download or extract from a folder is 26, how would you pad the additional 2 slots where no images are available without crashing. Size mod 4 ???
Thank you


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This question is not really related to SMM.

There are many ways to do it.
You can for example add a global variable with the total number of images:
For x = 0 To 3
            If data.IndexOfFirstImage + x >= TotalNumberOfImages Then Exit
            pnl.GetView(x).GetView(1).Text = data.IndexOfFirstImage + x
            MediaManager.SetMedia(pnl.GetView(x).GetView(0), $"${data.IndexOfFirstImage + x}/200/300.jpg"$)
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