I have needed a kind of email address manager and I have added it the Android App Contacts behavior using a CustomListView, an sticky first char while scrolling.
Basically i am using two labels (lblStatus and lblStatus2) on top the CLV, moving these labels to simulate the behavior.
I am using a modificated version of the module CustomListView.bas, you can download the original module from here
Added this line to sv_ScrollChanged sub in CustomListView.bas
Added this sub to CustomListView.bas, getted from this thread
Finally this is the sub called from CustomListView.sv_ScrollChanged
mapChars is a map with Key = Each different email first char and Value = the index of that element in the CLV
The first Char label will stick to the top of the CLV until another first char label arrives and pushes it out of the way.
Checked with CustomListView.bas version: 1.76
Any improvement in the code will be welcome
I have needed a kind of email address manager and I have added it the Android App Contacts behavior using a CustomListView, an sticky first char while scrolling.
Basically i am using two labels (lblStatus and lblStatus2) on top the CLV, moving these labels to simulate the behavior.
I am using a modificated version of the module CustomListView.bas, you can download the original module from here
Added this line to sv_ScrollChanged sub in CustomListView.bas
Private Sub sv_ScrollChanged(Position As Int)
CallSub(CallBack, EventName & "_ChangeChar") ' <-- Add this line
If Position + sv.Height >= sv.Panel.Height - 5dip And DateTime.Now > LastReachEndEvent + 100 Then
If SubExists(CallBack, EventName & "_ReachEnd") Then
LastReachEndEvent = DateTime.Now
CallSubDelayed(CallBack, EventName & "_ReachEnd")
LastReachEndEvent = DateTime.Now + 1000 * DateTime.TicksPerDay 'disable
End If
End If
End Sub
Added this sub to CustomListView.bas, getted from this thread
'Returns the top position of the Panel stored at the specified index.
Public Sub GetPanelPosition(Index As Int) As Int
Dim top As Int
Dim p As Panel
For i = 0 To Min(Index - 1, items.Size - 1)
p = panels.Get(i)
top = top + p.Height + dividerHeight
top = top - sv.ScrollPosition
Return top
End Sub
Finally this is the sub called from CustomListView.sv_ScrollChanged
mapChars is a map with Key = Each different email first char and Value = the index of that element in the CLV
The first Char label will stick to the top of the CLV until another first char label arrives and pushes it out of the way.
Sub clvEmails_CangheChar
'Sub called from CustomListView.sv_ScrollChanged
For x = 0 To mapChars.Size - 1
If clvEmails.GetPanelPosition(mapChars.GetValueAt(x)) < itemHeight Then
If clvEmails.GetPanelPosition(mapChars.GetValueAt(x)) > 0 Then
lblStatus.Top = clvEmails.GetPanelPosition(mapChars.GetValueAt(x))
lblStatus2.Top = lblStatus.Top - lblStatus2.Height
lblStatus2.Text = mapChars.GetKeyAt(x-1)
If lblStatus2.Top > 0 Then
lblStatus2.Visible = False
End If
lblStatus.Top = 0
lblStatus2.Visible = False
End If
lblStatus.Text = mapChars.GetKeyAt(x)
lblStatus.Visible = True
If x > 0 Then
lblStatus2.Visible = True
lblStatus2.Visible = False
End If
End If
If clvEmails.GetPanelPosition(mapChars.GetValueAt(0)) > itemHeight Then
lblStatus.Visible = False
lblStatus2.Visible = False
End If
If lblStatus2.Visible = True And lblStatus.Top = 0 Then
lblStatus2.Top = 0 - itemHeight
End If
End Sub
Checked with CustomListView.bas version: 1.76
Any improvement in the code will be welcome