Cascading Selects on the Property Bag
Private Sub BuildPage
dettagliorigo.AddPropertySelect("pizza", "pizza", "", "", True, "left", mapPIZZA) 'how to get the change?
dettagliorigo.AddPropertySelect("size", "Size", "", "Size", True, "", CreateMap()) ' NO size ELEMENT INTO MAP (combo element)
End Sub
When the pizza changes, feed the size select with different items.
One can do this on the show method and with a change event.
On the change event, one uses the
_ChangePropertyBag event. This returns a map of all the property bag properties.
The methods to update / read a property bag value starts with SetProperty??? or GetProperty???
SetPropertySelectMap - will update a select based on key value pairs
SetPropertySelectMap1 - will update a select based on key value pairs with an options to add
--Nothing Selected-- blank option.
SetPropertyItemsListSort - will update a select based on a list that will be sorted. The list will be made a map with the values of the list as key value pairs
SetPropertyItemsOptions /
SetPropertySelectOptions - will update a select based on delimited string. The delimited string should be like a|b|c|d|e
SetPropertyItemsList - will update a select based on a list. The list will be made a map with values of the list as key value pairs
Clearing a property bag select.
Adding an item to a property bag select
SetPropertySelectAddItem(?, ?, ?)
Set a property bag value
SetPropertyValue(?, ?)
Get a property bag value
a = GetPropertyValue(?)
dim spizza as string = pb.GetPropertyValue("pizza")
select case spizza
case "a"
dim sizem as map = createmap("s":"Small", "m":"Medium")
pb.SetPropertySelectMap("size", sizem)
case "b"
case "c"
end Select
'change the size to be medium
pb.SetPropertyValue("size", "m")