SithasoDaisy (TailwindCSS) UI Tookit Diary


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Longtime User
Hi there lovely people..

What's happening...
  • Testing DataSource implementation (Based on BVAD3 BANanoDataSource)
  • Upgrading PocketBase class to use version 0.08 + (Breaking Changes)
  • Fixing bugs
  • Browser testing
  • Testing GrapeJS intergration (this will not be part of SithasoDaisy, we have other future plans for such functionality)
  • Deployed Pocketbase to FlyIO and to PocketHost.IO (some docker related stuff) and finished a b4x httputils pocketbase class
  • Providing help & support to other developers using the library..

enhancing the badge to have "chip" like functionality...



Licensed User
Longtime User
06 December 2022

We are looking into multi-card templates. This is a single SDUICard component and we will customize it. This is useful for displaying multiple products. This is activated when the Is Template property is activated on the card. When complete this will be part of the demo examples.

Also we will include how to use Input components on the multi templates like selects, textboxes etc.

PS: remember, the MySQL crud example works and is available and one can get it from the downloads posted.

Coming soon...
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