Android Question sizing issue on LG G2


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I don't know if this is an issue relating specifically to the LG G2, but I would've thought that the code

[ code ]
buttonThisIsMyCamera.Left = 10%x
buttonThisIsMyCamera.width = 80%x
[ /code ]

would center the button horizontally, starting 10% into the screen and being 80% wide, with a 10% margin at the right. Correct?

The result I get is the button has a left margin but has no right margin at all. If I write similar code in the designer script area, and upload to the ui cloud, it looks fine in the results that come back, but I don't get those results on my device. This, of course, makes laying a screen very very difficult.

Any ideas?




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Sadly not on my G2, but it works on other devices. It's like the G2 is telling Android the screen is wider than it really is (if I make the width 70%x it looks pretty good, but only on the G2).
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I've copied the layout to a brand new project and tried it on there, and it works perfectly. In the project it comes from, it doesn't work at all. On the line that reads Activity.Loadlayout("Start"), when I step over that line, the layout loads on my phone and it's already wrong. What project or activity properties could do this? The .bal file works in another project.


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Before the Loadlayout it calls a method ShowOverLockScreen which does this

r.Target = r.GetActivity
r.Target = r.RunMethod("getWindow")
Dim flag AsInt = Bit.OR(Bit.OR(Bit.OR(MyFunctions.FLAG_SHOW_WHEN_LOCKED, MyFunctions.FLAG_TURN_SCREEN_ON), 0), MyFunctions.FLAG_FULLSCREEN)
flag = Bit.OR(flag, MyFunctions.FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP)
flag = Bit.OR(flag, MyFunctions.FLAG_DISMISS_KEYGUARD)
r.RunMethod2("addFlags", flag, "")

It's the FLAG_FULLSCREEN doing it but I don't know why that would change the width (1080) to something even greater, it should only change the height (because you lose the activity title bar).

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