Android Question Slow app loading


Licensed User
My app takes some seconds to be ready.
After loading it seems to work correctly.
The unfiltered log shows some unknown problems like "Don't notify duration to" and "setSubtitleAnchor in MediaPlayer" and "handleMessage msg: (1, 0, 0)":
--------- beginning of crash
Process: xxx.yyy.zzz, PID: 13814
java.lang.RuntimeException: Object should first be initialized (Label).
    at anywheresoftware.b4a.AbsObjectWrapper.getObject(
    at anywheresoftware.b4a.objects.TextViewWrapper.setText(
    at xxx.yyy.zzz.main._activity_create(
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
    at anywheresoftware.b4a.BA.raiseEvent2(
    at xxx.yyy.zzz.main.afterFirstLayout(
    at xxx.yyy.zzz.main.access$000(
    at xxx.yyy.zzz.main$
    at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(
    at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
    at android.os.Looper.loop(
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
Process: xxx.yyy.zzz, PID: 14083
java.lang.RuntimeException: Object should first be initialized (Label).
    at anywheresoftware.b4a.AbsObjectWrapper.getObject(
    at anywheresoftware.b4a.objects.TextViewWrapper.setText(
    at xxx.yyy.zzz.main._activity_create(
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
    at anywheresoftware.b4a.BA.raiseEvent2(
    at xxx.yyy.zzz.main.afterFirstLayout(
    at xxx.yyy.zzz.main.access$000(
    at xxx.yyy.zzz.main$
    at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(
    at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
    at android.os.Looper.loop(
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
Process: xxx.yyy.zzz, PID: 14266
java.lang.RuntimeException: Object should first be initialized (Label).
    at anywheresoftware.b4a.AbsObjectWrapper.getObject(
    at anywheresoftware.b4a.objects.TextViewWrapper.setText(
    at xxx.yyy.zzz.main._activity_create(
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
    at anywheresoftware.b4a.BA.raiseEvent2(
    at xxx.yyy.zzz.main.afterFirstLayout(
    at xxx.yyy.zzz.main.access$000(
    at xxx.yyy.zzz.main$
    at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(
    at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
    at android.os.Looper.loop(
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
--------- beginning of system
ACT-AM_ON_PAUSE_CALLED ActivityRecord{67cb4d2 token=android.os.BinderProxy@e9d29a3 {xxx.yyy.zzz/xxx.yyy.zzz.tyc}}
ACT-PAUSE_ACTIVITY handled : 1 / android.os.BinderProxy@e9d29a3
Handling launch of ActivityRecord{296b953 token=android.os.BinderProxy@fd66290 {xxx.yyy.zzz/xxx.yyy.zzz.principal}} startsNotResumed=false
ActivityRecord{296b953 token=android.os.BinderProxy@fd66290 {xxx.yyy.zzz/xxx.yyy.zzz.principal}}:, appName=xxx.yyy.zzz, pkg=xxx.yyy.zzz, comp={xxx.yyy.zzz/xxx.yyy.zzz.principal}, dir=/data/app/xxx.yyy.zzz-2/base.apk
Performing resume of ActivityRecord{296b953 token=android.os.BinderProxy@fd66290 {xxx.yyy.zzz/xxx.yyy.zzz.principal}}
ACT-AM_ON_RESUME_CALLED ActivityRecord{296b953 token=android.os.BinderProxy@fd66290 {xxx.yyy.zzz/xxx.yyy.zzz.principal}}
Resume ActivityRecord{296b953 token=android.os.BinderProxy@fd66290 {xxx.yyy.zzz/xxx.yyy.zzz.principal}} started activity: false, hideForNow: false, finished: false
Resuming ActivityRecord{296b953 token=android.os.BinderProxy@fd66290 {xxx.yyy.zzz/xxx.yyy.zzz.principal}} with isForward=true
Scheduling idle handler for ActivityRecord{296b953 token=android.os.BinderProxy@fd66290 {xxx.yyy.zzz/xxx.yyy.zzz.principal}}
ACT-LAUNCH_ACTIVITY handled : 0 / ActivityRecord{296b953 token=android.os.BinderProxy@fd66290 {xxx.yyy.zzz/xxx.yyy.zzz.principal}}
AttrName service =$Stub$Proxy@5f78c3e
<<<<<<<<<mService =$Stub$Proxy@5f78c3e
BIND_APPLICATION handled : 0 / AppBindData{appInfo=ApplicationInfo{f85b627 xxx.yyy.zzz}}
Handling launch of ActivityRecord{298a0d4 token=android.os.BinderProxy@3f5427d {xxx.yyy.zzz/xxx.yyy.zzz.main}} startsNotResumed=false
ActivityRecord{298a0d4 token=android.os.BinderProxy@3f5427d {xxx.yyy.zzz/xxx.yyy.zzz.main}}:, appName=xxx.yyy.zzz, pkg=xxx.yyy.zzz, comp={xxx.yyy.zzz/xxx.yyy.zzz.main}, dir=/data/app/xxx.yyy.zzz-2/base.apk
Performing resume of ActivityRecord{298a0d4 token=android.os.BinderProxy@3f5427d {xxx.yyy.zzz/xxx.yyy.zzz.main}}
ACT-AM_ON_RESUME_CALLED ActivityRecord{298a0d4 token=android.os.BinderProxy@3f5427d {xxx.yyy.zzz/xxx.yyy.zzz.main}}
Resume ActivityRecord{298a0d4 token=android.os.BinderProxy@3f5427d {xxx.yyy.zzz/xxx.yyy.zzz.main}} started activity: false, hideForNow: false, finished: false
Resuming ActivityRecord{298a0d4 token=android.os.BinderProxy@3f5427d {xxx.yyy.zzz/xxx.yyy.zzz.main}} with isForward=true
Scheduling idle handler for ActivityRecord{298a0d4 token=android.os.BinderProxy@3f5427d {xxx.yyy.zzz/xxx.yyy.zzz.main}}
ACT-LAUNCH_ACTIVITY handled : 0 / ActivityRecord{298a0d4 token=android.os.BinderProxy@3f5427d {xxx.yyy.zzz/xxx.yyy.zzz.main}}
SVC-Creating service: CreateServiceData{token=android.os.BinderProxy@b623f22 className=xxx.yyy.zzz.starter packageName=xxx.yyy.zzz intent=null}
SVC-CREATE_SERVICE handled : 0 / CreateServiceData{token=android.os.BinderProxy@b623f22 className=xxx.yyy.zzz.starter packageName=xxx.yyy.zzz intent=null}
SVC-Calling onStartCommand: xxx.yyy.zzz.starter@e5d6db3, flags=0, startId=1
SVC-SERVICE_ARGS handled : 0 / ServiceArgsData{token=android.os.BinderProxy@b623f22 startId=1 args=Intent { cmp=xxx.yyy.zzz/.starter }}
ACT-AM_ON_PAUSE_CALLED ActivityRecord{298a0d4 token=android.os.BinderProxy@3f5427d {xxx.yyy.zzz/xxx.yyy.zzz.main}}
ACT-PAUSE_ACTIVITY handled : 1 / android.os.BinderProxy@3f5427d
Handling launch of ActivityRecord{67cb4d2 token=android.os.BinderProxy@e9d29a3 {xxx.yyy.zzz/xxx.yyy.zzz.principal}} startsNotResumed=false
ActivityRecord{67cb4d2 token=android.os.BinderProxy@e9d29a3 {xxx.yyy.zzz/xxx.yyy.zzz.principal}}:, appName=xxx.yyy.zzz, pkg=xxx.yyy.zzz, comp={xxx.yyy.zzz/xxx.yyy.zzz.principal}, dir=/data/app/xxx.yyy.zzz-2/base.apk
Performing resume of ActivityRecord{67cb4d2 token=android.os.BinderProxy@e9d29a3 {xxx.yyy.zzz/xxx.yyy.zzz.principal}}
ACT-AM_ON_RESUME_CALLED ActivityRecord{67cb4d2 token=android.os.BinderProxy@e9d29a3 {xxx.yyy.zzz/xxx.yyy.zzz.principal}}
Resume ActivityRecord{67cb4d2 token=android.os.BinderProxy@e9d29a3 {xxx.yyy.zzz/xxx.yyy.zzz.principal}} started activity: false, hideForNow: false, finished: false
Resuming ActivityRecord{67cb4d2 token=android.os.BinderProxy@e9d29a3 {xxx.yyy.zzz/xxx.yyy.zzz.principal}} with isForward=true
Scheduling idle handler for ActivityRecord{67cb4d2 token=android.os.BinderProxy@e9d29a3 {xxx.yyy.zzz/xxx.yyy.zzz.principal}}
ACT-LAUNCH_ACTIVITY handled : 0 / ActivityRecord{67cb4d2 token=android.os.BinderProxy@e9d29a3 {xxx.yyy.zzz/xxx.yyy.zzz.principal}}
AttrName service =$Stub$Proxy@696e9c9
<<<<<<<<<mService =$Stub$Proxy@696e9c9$ContentProviderHolder@dc55495, holder.provider:android.content.ContentProviderProxy@d0899aa
--------- beginning of main
register, handle(0xb935e150) (w:576 h:496 s:576 f:0x1 u:0x000f02)
invalidate [system]: current 14 != cached 0
unregister, handle(0xb941a6d8) (w:576 h:496 s:576 f:0x1 u:0x000f02)
unregister, handle(0xb93e6eb8) (w:576 h:496 s:576 f:0x1 u:0x000f02)
unregister, handle(0xb935e150) (w:576 h:496 s:576 f:0x1 u:0x000f02)
Remove from mViews:$DecorView{eb73b97 V.E...... R......D 0,0-480,400}, this = android.view.WindowManagerGlobal@b8fe704
onWindowFocus: null softInputMode=34 first=false flags=#1810100
System.exit called, status: 0
VM exiting with result code 0, cleanup skipped.
ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /data/app/xxx.yyy.zzz-2/lib/arm
BIND_APPLICATION handled : 0 / AppBindData{appInfo=ApplicationInfo{f85b627 xxx.yyy.zzz}}
Handling launch of ActivityRecord{298a0d4 token=android.os.BinderProxy@3f5427d {xxx.yyy.zzz/xxx.yyy.zzz.main}} startsNotResumed=false
ActivityRecord{298a0d4 token=android.os.BinderProxy@3f5427d {xxx.yyy.zzz/xxx.yyy.zzz.main}}:, appName=xxx.yyy.zzz, pkg=xxx.yyy.zzz, comp={xxx.yyy.zzz/xxx.yyy.zzz.main}, dir=/data/app/xxx.yyy.zzz-2/base.apk
Starting remote logger. Port: 53028
getServiceInstance failed!
Performing resume of ActivityRecord{298a0d4 token=android.os.BinderProxy@3f5427d {xxx.yyy.zzz/xxx.yyy.zzz.main}}
ACT-AM_ON_RESUME_CALLED ActivityRecord{298a0d4 token=android.os.BinderProxy@3f5427d {xxx.yyy.zzz/xxx.yyy.zzz.main}}
Resume ActivityRecord{298a0d4 token=android.os.BinderProxy@3f5427d {xxx.yyy.zzz/xxx.yyy.zzz.main}} started activity: false, hideForNow: false, finished: false
DecorView setVisiblity: visibility = 4 ,Parent =null, this$DecorView{96b96be I.E...... R.....ID 0,0-0,0}
Add to mViews:$DecorView{96b96be I.E...... R.....ID 0,0-0,0}, this = android.view.WindowManagerGlobal@b8fe704
Dumper init 2 threads <0xb83be710>
<xxx.yyy.zzz> is running.
CanvasContext() 0xb92893c0
hardware acceleration is enabled, this = ViewRoot{5c0c4ed xxx.yyy.zzz/xxx.yyy.zzz.main,ident = 0}
Resuming ActivityRecord{298a0d4 token=android.os.BinderProxy@3f5427d {xxx.yyy.zzz/xxx.yyy.zzz.main}} with isForward=true
DecorView setVisiblity: visibility = 0 ,Parent =ViewRoot{5c0c4ed xxx.yyy.zzz/xxx.yyy.zzz.main,ident = 0}, this$DecorView{96b96be V.E...... R.....ID 0,0-0,0}
Scheduling idle handler for ActivityRecord{298a0d4 token=android.os.BinderProxy@3f5427d {xxx.yyy.zzz/xxx.yyy.zzz.main}}
ACT-LAUNCH_ACTIVITY handled : 0 / ActivityRecord{298a0d4 token=android.os.BinderProxy@3f5427d {xxx.yyy.zzz/xxx.yyy.zzz.main}}
SVC-Creating service: CreateServiceData{token=android.os.BinderProxy@b623f22 className=xxx.yyy.zzz.starter packageName=xxx.yyy.zzz intent=null}
*** Service (starter) Create ***
SVC-CREATE_SERVICE handled : 0 / CreateServiceData{token=android.os.BinderProxy@b623f22 className=xxx.yyy.zzz.starter packageName=xxx.yyy.zzz intent=null}
SVC-Calling onStartCommand: xxx.yyy.zzz.starter@e5d6db3, flags=0, startId=1
** Service (starter) Start **
SVC-SERVICE_ARGS handled : 0 / ServiceArgsData{token=android.os.BinderProxy@b623f22 startId=1 args=Intent { cmp=xxx.yyy.zzz/.starter }}
CanvasContext() 0xb92893c0 initialize window=0xb9290148, title=xxx.yyy.zzz/xxx.yyy.zzz.main
Initialized EGL, version 1.4
** Activity (main) Create, isFirst = true **
Created EGL context (0xb92a40b0)
Get enable program binary service property (1)
Initializing program atlas...
Program binary detail: Binary length is 111796, program map length is 152.
Succeeded to mmap program binaries. File descriptor is 26, and path is /dev/ashmem�%V϶h0ŵ�l��.
No need to use file discriptor anymore, close fd(26).
Initializing program cache from 0xb6d2303c, size = 5
-- init (key = 0x0000000000000000)
-- init (key = 0x0000000000000001)
-- init (key = 0x0000000800000003)
-- init (key = 0x0000003800000000)
-- init (key = 0x0000020000000008)
register, handle(0xb92c5310) (w:480 h:800 s:480 f:0x1 u:0x000f02)
** Activity (main) Resume **
onWindowFocus: null softInputMode=290 first=true flags=#1810100
START INPUT:$DecorView{96b96be V.E...... R.....ID 0,0-480,800} ic=null tba=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@a1aa4a5 controlFlags=#104
FinalizerDaemon: finalize objects = 1
ProgramCache save to disk, size = 5
** Activity (main) Pause, UserClosed = true **
ACT-AM_ON_PAUSE_CALLED ActivityRecord{298a0d4 token=android.os.BinderProxy@3f5427d {xxx.yyy.zzz/xxx.yyy.zzz.main}}
ACT-PAUSE_ACTIVITY handled : 1 / android.os.BinderProxy@3f5427d
Handling launch of ActivityRecord{67cb4d2 token=android.os.BinderProxy@e9d29a3 {xxx.yyy.zzz/xxx.yyy.zzz.principal}} startsNotResumed=false
ActivityRecord{67cb4d2 token=android.os.BinderProxy@e9d29a3 {xxx.yyy.zzz/xxx.yyy.zzz.principal}}:, appName=xxx.yyy.zzz, pkg=xxx.yyy.zzz, comp={xxx.yyy.zzz/xxx.yyy.zzz.principal}, dir=/data/app/xxx.yyy.zzz-2/base.apk
getServiceInstance failed!
Performing resume of ActivityRecord{67cb4d2 token=android.os.BinderProxy@e9d29a3 {xxx.yyy.zzz/xxx.yyy.zzz.principal}}
ACT-AM_ON_RESUME_CALLED ActivityRecord{67cb4d2 token=android.os.BinderProxy@e9d29a3 {xxx.yyy.zzz/xxx.yyy.zzz.principal}}
Resume ActivityRecord{67cb4d2 token=android.os.BinderProxy@e9d29a3 {xxx.yyy.zzz/xxx.yyy.zzz.principal}} started activity: false, hideForNow: false, finished: false
DecorView setVisiblity: visibility = 4 ,Parent =null, this$DecorView{a4ebcff I.E...... R.....ID 0,0-0,0}
Add to mViews:$DecorView{a4ebcff I.E...... R.....ID 0,0-0,0}, this = android.view.WindowManagerGlobal@b8fe704
CanvasContext() 0xb92da5c8
hardware acceleration is enabled, this = ViewRoot{b473dcd xxx.yyy.zzz/xxx.yyy.zzz.principal,ident = 1}
Resuming ActivityRecord{67cb4d2 token=android.os.BinderProxy@e9d29a3 {xxx.yyy.zzz/xxx.yyy.zzz.principal}} with isForward=true
DecorView setVisiblity: visibility = 0 ,Parent =ViewRoot{b473dcd xxx.yyy.zzz/xxx.yyy.zzz.principal,ident = 1}, this$DecorView{a4ebcff V.E...... R.....ID 0,0-0,0}
Scheduling idle handler for ActivityRecord{67cb4d2 token=android.os.BinderProxy@e9d29a3 {xxx.yyy.zzz/xxx.yyy.zzz.principal}}
ACT-LAUNCH_ACTIVITY handled : 0 / ActivityRecord{67cb4d2 token=android.os.BinderProxy@e9d29a3 {xxx.yyy.zzz/xxx.yyy.zzz.principal}}
CanvasContext() 0xb92da5c8 initialize window=0xb92df588, title=xxx.yyy.zzz/xxx.yyy.zzz.principal
register, handle(0xb92b3650) (w:480 h:800 s:480 f:0x1 u:0x000f02)
** Activity (principal) Create, isFirst = true **
AttrName service =$Stub$Proxy@696e9c9
<<<<<<<<<mService =$Stub$Proxy@696e9c9
188818460: getState(). Returning 12
getIoDescriptor: ioHandle = 4, index = -2, mIoDescriptors = 0xb9296510
getIoDescriptor: ioHandle = 2, index = -2, mIoDescriptors = 0xb9296510
Don't notify duration to xxx.yyy.zzz!
setSubtitleAnchor in MediaPlayer
invalidate [secure]: current 2 != cached 0$ContentProviderHolder@dc55495, holder.provider:android.content.ContentProviderProxy@d0899aa
Don't notify duration to xxx.yyy.zzz!
setSubtitleAnchor in MediaPlayer
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_locale , value = null
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_enabled , value = null
188818460: getState(). Returning 12
Don't notify duration to xxx.yyy.zzz!
setSubtitleAnchor in MediaPlayer
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_locale , value = null
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_enabled , value = null
Don't notify duration to xxx.yyy.zzz!
setSubtitleAnchor in MediaPlayer
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_locale , value = null
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_enabled , value = null
188818460: getState(). Returning 12
Don't notify duration to xxx.yyy.zzz!
setSubtitleAnchor in MediaPlayer
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_locale , value = null
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_enabled , value = null
Don't notify duration to xxx.yyy.zzz!
setSubtitleAnchor in MediaPlayer
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_locale , value = null
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_enabled , value = null
188818460: getState(). Returning 12
Don't notify duration to xxx.yyy.zzz!
setSubtitleAnchor in MediaPlayer
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_locale , value = null
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_enabled , value = null
Don't notify duration to xxx.yyy.zzz!
setSubtitleAnchor in MediaPlayer
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_locale , value = null
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_enabled , value = null
[CDS]rx timeout:10000
After accept
188818460: getState(). Returning 12
Don't notify duration to xxx.yyy.zzz!
setSubtitleAnchor in MediaPlayer
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_locale , value = null
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_enabled , value = null
Don't notify duration to xxx.yyy.zzz!
setSubtitleAnchor in MediaPlayer
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_locale , value = null
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_enabled , value = null
188818460: getState(). Returning 12
Don't notify duration to xxx.yyy.zzz!
setSubtitleAnchor in MediaPlayer
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_locale , value = null
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_enabled , value = null
Don't notify duration to xxx.yyy.zzz!
setSubtitleAnchor in MediaPlayer
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_locale , value = null
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_enabled , value = null
188818460: getState(). Returning 12
Don't notify duration to xxx.yyy.zzz!
setSubtitleAnchor in MediaPlayer
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_locale , value = null
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_enabled , value = null
Don't notify duration to xxx.yyy.zzz!
setSubtitleAnchor in MediaPlayer
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_locale , value = null
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_enabled , value = null
188818460: getState(). Returning 12
Don't notify duration to xxx.yyy.zzz!
setSubtitleAnchor in MediaPlayer
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_locale , value = null
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_enabled , value = null
Don't notify duration to xxx.yyy.zzz!
setSubtitleAnchor in MediaPlayer
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_locale , value = null
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_enabled , value = null
188818460: getState(). Returning 12
Don't notify duration to xxx.yyy.zzz!
setSubtitleAnchor in MediaPlayer
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_locale , value = null
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_enabled , value = null
Don't notify duration to xxx.yyy.zzz!
setSubtitleAnchor in MediaPlayer
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_locale , value = null
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_enabled , value = null
188818460: getState(). Returning 12
Don't notify duration to xxx.yyy.zzz!
setSubtitleAnchor in MediaPlayer
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_locale , value = null
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_enabled , value = null
Don't notify duration to xxx.yyy.zzz!
setSubtitleAnchor in MediaPlayer
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_locale , value = null
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_enabled , value = null
188818460: getState(). Returning 12
Don't notify duration to xxx.yyy.zzz!
setSubtitleAnchor in MediaPlayer
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_locale , value = null
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_enabled , value = null
Don't notify duration to xxx.yyy.zzz!
setSubtitleAnchor in MediaPlayer
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_locale , value = null
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_enabled , value = null
188818460: getState(). Returning 12
Don't notify duration to xxx.yyy.zzz!
setSubtitleAnchor in MediaPlayer
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_locale , value = null
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_enabled , value = null
Don't notify duration to xxx.yyy.zzz!
setSubtitleAnchor in MediaPlayer
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_locale , value = null
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_enabled , value = null
188818460: getState(). Returning 12
Don't notify duration to xxx.yyy.zzz!
setSubtitleAnchor in MediaPlayer
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_locale , value = null
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_enabled , value = null
Don't notify duration to xxx.yyy.zzz!
setSubtitleAnchor in MediaPlayer
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_locale , value = null
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_enabled , value = null
188818460: getState(). Returning 12
Don't notify duration to xxx.yyy.zzz!
setSubtitleAnchor in MediaPlayer
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_locale , value = null
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_enabled , value = null
Don't notify duration to xxx.yyy.zzz!
setSubtitleAnchor in MediaPlayer
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_locale , value = null
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_enabled , value = null
188818460: getState(). Returning 12
Don't notify duration to xxx.yyy.zzz!
setSubtitleAnchor in MediaPlayer
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_locale , value = null
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_enabled , value = null
Don't notify duration to xxx.yyy.zzz!
setSubtitleAnchor in MediaPlayer
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_locale , value = null
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_enabled , value = null
188818460: getState(). Returning 12
Don't notify duration to xxx.yyy.zzz!
setSubtitleAnchor in MediaPlayer
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_locale , value = null
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_enabled , value = null
Don't notify duration to xxx.yyy.zzz!
setSubtitleAnchor in MediaPlayer
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_locale , value = null
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_enabled , value = null
188818460: getState(). Returning 12
Don't notify duration to xxx.yyy.zzz!
setSubtitleAnchor in MediaPlayer
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_locale , value = null
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_enabled , value = null
Don't notify duration to xxx.yyy.zzz!
setSubtitleAnchor in MediaPlayer
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_locale , value = null
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_enabled , value = null
188818460: getState(). Returning 12
Don't notify duration to xxx.yyy.zzz!
setSubtitleAnchor in MediaPlayer
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_locale , value = null
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_enabled , value = null
Don't notify duration to xxx.yyy.zzz!
setSubtitleAnchor in MediaPlayer
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_locale , value = null
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_enabled , value = null
188818460: getState(). Returning 12
Don't notify duration to xxx.yyy.zzz!
setSubtitleAnchor in MediaPlayer
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_locale , value = null
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_enabled , value = null
Don't notify duration to xxx.yyy.zzz!
setSubtitleAnchor in MediaPlayer
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_locale , value = null
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_enabled , value = null
188818460: getState(). Returning 12
Don't notify duration to xxx.yyy.zzz!
setSubtitleAnchor in MediaPlayer
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_locale , value = null
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_enabled , value = null
Don't notify duration to xxx.yyy.zzz!
setSubtitleAnchor in MediaPlayer
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_locale , value = null
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_enabled , value = null
188818460: getState(). Returning 12
Carpeta File.DirInternal : /data/user/0/xxx.yyy.zzz/files
Carpeta File.DirDefaultExternal : /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/xxx.yyy.zzz/files
** Activity (principal) Resume **
Add to mViews:$DecorView{eb73b97 V.E...... R.....I. 0,0-0,0}, this = android.view.WindowManagerGlobal@b8fe704
CanvasContext() 0xb93dd280
hardware acceleration is enabled, this = ViewRoot{ba7164d xxx.yyy.zzz/xxx.yyy.zzz.principal,ident = 2}
onWindowFocus: null softInputMode=290 first=true flags=#1810100
START INPUT:$DecorView{a4ebcff V.E...... R.....ID 0,0-480,800} ic=null tba=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@b7e2502 controlFlags=#104
Skipped 186 frames!  The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
CanvasContext() 0xb93dd280 initialize window=0xb9416910, title=xxx.yyy.zzz/xxx.yyy.zzz.principal
handleMessage msg:(1, 0, 0)
register, handle(0xb94165f8) (w:576 h:496 s:576 f:0x1 u:0x000f02)
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_locale , value = null
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_enabled , value = null
handleMessage msg:(1, 0, 0)
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_locale , value = null
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_enabled , value = null
handleMessage msg:(1, 0, 0)
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_locale , value = null
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_enabled , value = null
handleMessage msg:(1, 0, 0)
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_locale , value = null
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_enabled , value = null
handleMessage msg:(1, 0, 0)
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_locale , value = null
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_enabled , value = null
handleMessage msg:(1, 0, 0)
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_locale , value = null
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_enabled , value = null
handleMessage msg:(1, 0, 0)
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_locale , value = null
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_enabled , value = null
handleMessage msg:(1, 0, 0)
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_locale , value = null
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_enabled , value = null
handleMessage msg:(1, 0, 0)
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_locale , value = null
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_enabled , value = null
handleMessage msg:(1, 0, 0)
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_locale , value = null
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_enabled , value = null
handleMessage msg:(1, 0, 0)
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_locale , value = null
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_enabled , value = null
handleMessage msg:(1, 0, 0)
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_locale , value = null
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_enabled , value = null
handleMessage msg:(1, 0, 0)
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_locale , value = null
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_enabled , value = null
handleMessage msg:(1, 0, 0)
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_locale , value = null
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_enabled , value = null
handleMessage msg:(1, 0, 0)
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_locale , value = null
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_enabled , value = null
handleMessage msg:(1, 0, 0)
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_locale , value = null
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_enabled , value = null
handleMessage msg:(1, 0, 0)
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_locale , value = null
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_enabled , value = null
handleMessage msg:(1, 0, 0)
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_locale , value = null
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_enabled , value = null
handleMessage msg:(1, 0, 0)
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_locale , value = null
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_enabled , value = null
handleMessage msg:(1, 0, 0)
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_locale , value = null
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_enabled , value = null
handleMessage msg:(1, 0, 0)
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_locale , value = null
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_enabled , value = null
handleMessage msg:(1, 0, 0)
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_locale , value = null
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_enabled , value = null
handleMessage msg:(1, 0, 0)
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_locale , value = null
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_enabled , value = null
handleMessage msg:(1, 0, 0)
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_locale , value = null
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_enabled , value = null
handleMessage msg:(1, 0, 0)
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_locale , value = null
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_enabled , value = null
handleMessage msg:(1, 0, 0)
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_locale , value = null
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_enabled , value = null
handleMessage msg:(1, 0, 0)
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_locale , value = null
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_enabled , value = null
handleMessage msg:(1, 0, 0)
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_locale , value = null
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_enabled , value = null
handleMessage msg:(1, 0, 0)
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_locale , value = null
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_enabled , value = null
handleMessage msg:(1, 0, 0)
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_locale , value = null
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_enabled , value = null
handleMessage msg:(1, 0, 0)
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_locale , value = null
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_enabled , value = null
handleMessage msg:(1, 0, 0)
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_locale , value = null
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_enabled , value = null
handleMessage msg:(1, 0, 0)
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_locale , value = null
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_enabled , value = null
handleMessage msg:(1, 0, 0)
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_locale , value = null
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_enabled , value = null
handleMessage msg:(1, 0, 0)
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_locale , value = null
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_enabled , value = null
handleMessage msg:(1, 0, 0)
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_locale , value = null
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_enabled , value = null
handleMessage msg:(1, 0, 0)
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_locale , value = null
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_enabled , value = null
handleMessage msg:(1, 0, 0)
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_locale , value = null
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_enabled , value = null
handleMessage msg:(1, 0, 0)
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_locale , value = null
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_enabled , value = null
handleMessage msg:(1, 0, 0)
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_locale , value = null
 from settings cache , name = accessibility_captioning_enabled , value = null
CacheTexture 5 upload: x, y, width height = 0, 0, 512, 256
register, handle(0xb9427478) (w:480 h:800 s:480 f:0x1 u:0x000f02)
register, handle(0xb9435cc0) (w:576 h:496 s:576 f:0x1 u:0x000f02)
unregister, handle(0xb92c5310) (w:480 h:800 s:480 f:0x1 u:0x000f02)
Remove from mViews:$DecorView{96b96be V.E...... R....... 0,0-480,800}, this = android.view.WindowManagerGlobal@b8fe704
ACT-DESTROY_ACTIVITY handled : 1 / android.os.BinderProxy@3f5427d
Maybe there are errors I should solve?


Licensed User
Longtime User
Maybe there are errors I should solve?
You are accessing an Label which is not initialized. Forget to load a Layout?

But Hiding your code does not help us to help you.
Upvote 0


Licensed User
Hi DonManfred
I really just change the package name to generic form xxx.yyy.zzz for privacy reasons.
I will try to add the related code part if I can't find the unitialized label.
Thank you for your help.
Upvote 0
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