hi all
i am trying to find relevant information how can i make my own smart button like com.helloklick.android
com.emniuen.easmartpower where can i start is the an example?
Sub streamer_RecordBuffer (Buffer() As Byte)
'collect the recording data
For Each b() As Byte In buffers
' Log(${b}$)
End Sub
the problem is that i did not suceed with the log , possibly i am doing some syndax error and secon when i peress the head set button what i must expect in b to be the value?
Sub streamer_RecordBuffer (Buffer() As Byte)
Dim z As String
'collect the recording data
For Each b() As Byte In buffers
z= BytesToString (b,1,10,"UTF-8")
End Sub
but i get results that i cannot read
i was not able to declear byteconverter , can you please tell me how do i declear byteconverter?