Bug? Smart String Literal - changing text case when adding placeholder


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As per title, if I have a multi-line smart string literal and add a placeholder any B4X keywords have their case changed.

Watch the GIF image below, when the ${ is entered the text to the right is changed and "true" becomes "True", "then" becomes "Then" etc

This has caught me out a few times and it would be good if this could be fixed in a future release.



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It will not happen if you let the IDE autocomplete the placeholder delimiters. It was created exactly to avoid such cases which are expected to happen.

Thanks Erel, could you elaborate on how to do this?

Ive probably missed some shortcut to do the placeholder delimeters

From my tests it alters the text as soon as I type the first curly bracket ie ${ so I dont understand how autocomplete could get around the issue.
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