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I've been developing a program which has been working OK on a GPS device running WM, and would like to convert it to run on the Q7.
Two problems - it runs WinCE, and doesn't have GPS.
It does have a USB port, and is supposed to recognise Bluetooth devices, but doesn't recognise the USB/Bt adaptor I tried - and the CD doesn't include CE drivers..
I've emailed SmartDevices; waiting for a reply.
I installed .Net by copying the cab file to the Q7.
I did write a small test app., and it does display a QVGA form, but compiling for Scaled display doesn't work, and changing the screen size in the designer, and enlarging the form, doesn't change it on the device. I added Formlib, and tried 'fullscreen', but it didn't change.. there was a 'fullscreen' button on the titlebar, and the form does then appear to fill the screen, but the code seems to think the form size is still QVGA, so 'refresh' doesn't redraw the rest of the screen area. Controls beyond that will 'refresh', so it seems that I may be able to make it work by 'drawing' a rectangle (or image) onto the form, but it would be better if there was a 'fix'..


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Did you try redesign your app with the width and height as your screen's resolution?


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I just tried installing Basic4PPC on the SmartQ7, and despite a warning that it was incompatible, it does run - although the main window appears not to allow for the title bar, so the top of the edit window is not visible - and selecting 'full screen' doesn't display any more..
However, my trial program works better when run from the source! The top of the form is hidden by a gap where you might have a menu bar, but it does show full screen, even without the formLib.
Is it possible to add any components or libraries to make CE more like PPC or WM? I thought that they are based on CE..


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Windows CE is available to implementors to incorporate as much or as little functionality in their devices as they want. Pocket PC and Windows Mobile are a specific implementation of Windows CE whose functionality is defined by Microsoft so that developers can predict what is available on devices that conform - and they can't use those names to describe the devices if they don't.

There are two sorts of windowing that implementors can choose from in Windows CE. The more normal desktop top like Forms and the Pocket PC type of full screen Form. Most CE devices with keyboards use the more normal type of Form and the PPC type of Form doesn't behave properly on these devices.

If you could get hold of the Windows CE Platform Builder theoretically you could make yourself a custom implemention, this is how the custom ROMs for Windows Mobile devices are "cooked", but in practice I think you are stuck with what you have.


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Longtime User

I've re-tried this with v6.90 and I've used a panel to match the device screen (800x480). formlib.fullscreen doesn't work, but using DoorEx, I can set the form WindowState to "Maximized".
Hopefully I can make it do what I need. Despite emailing smartdevices several times, I haven't had any response, so getting the USB/bt adaptor to work is 'on hold', for now..
It does also come with Android (and Linux), so I would be interested if B4PPC was adapted to work with Android - assuming they haven't omitted something crucial there, too (it doesn't include 'make' under Linux; I'm not sure about a complier).