I've been developing a program which has been working OK on a GPS device running WM, and would like to convert it to run on the Q7.
Two problems - it runs WinCE, and doesn't have GPS.
It does have a USB port, and is supposed to recognise Bluetooth devices, but doesn't recognise the USB/Bt adaptor I tried - and the CD doesn't include CE drivers..
I've emailed SmartDevices; waiting for a reply.
I installed .Net by copying the cab file to the Q7.
I did write a small test app., and it does display a QVGA form, but compiling for Scaled display doesn't work, and changing the screen size in the designer, and enlarging the form, doesn't change it on the device. I added Formlib, and tried 'fullscreen', but it didn't change.. there was a 'fullscreen' button on the titlebar, and the form does then appear to fill the screen, but the code seems to think the form size is still QVGA, so 'refresh' doesn't redraw the rest of the screen area. Controls beyond that will 'refresh', so it seems that I may be able to make it work by 'drawing' a rectangle (or image) onto the form, but it would be better if there was a 'fix'..