Android Question SMS intent success sub

Alberto Michelis

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Using PhoneSms I used to have this subs that inform if the SMS was sent OK.

Sub sms_ReceiveSentNotification (Success As Boolean)
  If Success Then
    ToastMessageShow("SMS enviado con éxito", True)
    ToastMessageShow("Error enviando SMS: "&LastException.Message, True)
  End If
End Sub

Now Im using the code Erel posted like:

            Dim In As Intent
            Dim number = Main.SMSoperador As String
            In.Initialize(In.ACTION_VIEW, "sms:" & number)
            In.PutExtra("sms_body", "Alerta de SL !!!  "&tiket&" cotiza DEBAJO del SL indicado.")

How to check it with this new code?
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