full disclosure: i don't use outlook.
but a little research refers to what microsoft calls an SMTP AUTH client.
"As long as your scenario meets the requirements for SMTP AUTH client submission,"
you can send email with the settings you described. you need to find out how to
obtain an SMTP AUTH client. it appears to identify you as an authorized user of the
service. this would have nothing to do with b4x, since microsoft's documentation
indicates that normal stmp flow would follow, IF you have an outlook's so-called
SMTP AUTH client in place. it could be trivial to configure.
as to the error messages, what it boiled down to in the end was you didn't receive
a reply from the server to a command which you sent. as a result, the server
timed out the connection.
the smtp dialog between client and server is very, very simple and unforgiving.
just google "smtp dialog" for examples. the dialog consists of a handful of exchanges
to complete the handshake. miss one and you're out. if you were adept at, eg, telnet,
you could carry out such a dialog from a terminal emulator and your keyboard to see
exactly what happened. unfortunately, with a library, unless it has a "verbose" setting,
the dialog takes place unseen, and if there's an error, you see an error message,
whose contents depend on the good will of the programmers who wrote the server
and the client code as to exactly what is revealed. in this case, almost nothing. i do see
that you send 2 commands in a row without a reply in between. not a good sign.
also, just so you know, lines 7 - 12 in the log occurred first. the network transactions
run on a different thread. those lines pertain to that. lines 1-6, actually 6 - 1, are the
smtp dialog between you and the server, ending with the server bailing out.