Android Question SNYouTube without link to YouTube website


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Dear All,


I run SNYoutube library/examples it work very well.

Just I have a problem, that need to prevent YouTube link to view over Video to prevent user to link to YouTube website and so on.

The app will be for children, so, I didn't need them to press YouTube link on the video, just need them to see the current video only.

The question, how disappear YouTube link that above video or even disable it from link to YouTube website.

best regards


Licensed User
Longtime User
As far as I know, you cannot remove YouTube's user interface when you embed it in your app.

As you can surely understand, there are monetary reasons behind it such as ads, statistics and so forth. Also the content-creators i.e. the good people who are making and distributing the videos using the eco-system of YouTube rely on the number of views, subscriptions and affiliate links so they can get feedback and perhaps earn some money. Other reasons can be Intellectual Property issues such as distribution rights etc. This is why YouTube won't permit bypassing the YouTube interface.

However, as I wrote in my other post:
you can use my YouTube-DL wrapper.
I just tested it again and it still works fine.

But as I already wrote, you should not use the YouTube-DL wrapper in an app published on Google Play Store as the app would probably be removed and you might even be banned. It is probably OK for an app which you distribute elsewhere.
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