SOAP 1.1 or SOAP 1.2


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Hi, i call web services like that :

Dim URL As String
   URL = "http://"& Main.gsServeurWebServices & "/WebServices/Mobiv.asmx"

   Dim XML As String

   XML = ""
   XML = XML & "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>"
   XML = XML & "<soap12:Envelope xmlns:xsi='' xmlns:xsd='' xmlns:soap12=''>"
    XML = XML & "<soap12:Body>"
   XML = XML & "<GetReferences xmlns='http://" & Main.gsServeurWebServices & "/WebServices/Mobiv'>"
    XML = XML & "<Nom>" & txb_Nom.text.ToUpperCase & "</Nom>"
    XML = XML & "<Rue>" & txb_Rue.text.ToUpperCase & "</Rue>"
    XML = XML & "<CP>" & txb_CodePostal.text.ToUpperCase & "</CP>"
    XML = XML & "<Ville>" & txb_Ville.text.ToUpperCase & "</Ville>"
    XML = XML & "<Produit>" & MobivAndroid.GetCodeCombo(cbo_Produit,lst_Produit).ToUpperCase & "</Produit>"
    If rb_Reference.Checked = True Then
      XML = XML & "<TypeRecherche>R</TypeRecherche>"
      XML = XML & "<TypeRecherche>C</TypeRecherche>"
   End If
   XML = XML & "</GetReferences>"
   XML = XML & "</soap12:Body>"
   XML = XML & "</soap12:Envelope>"
   XML = XML.Replace("'", Chr(34))

   Dim request As HttpRequest
   request.InitializePost2(URL, XML.GetBytes("UTF8"))
   request.SetHeader("Content-Type", "application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8")
request.Timeout = 10000 
If HttpClient1.Execute(request, 1) = False Then Return
ProgressDialogShow("Recherche en cour...")

Work if i call WebServices on my PC but not if i call this webservices on my serveur...?

Do you know if my syntax "soap 1.2" could be the cause of my probleme?


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What error are you getting ? Also have you remembered to initialize the HttpClient1 ??
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Yes , i have initialize HttpClient1.
When i call My Webservices on my serveur, the result is :

Error connecting: Internal Server Error500
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Yes , i have initialize HttpClient1.
When i call My Webservices on my serveur, the result is :

Error connecting: Internal Server Error500

Can you show us the XML string that is being generated, I suspect an error there.

The way I have handled my webservices is to do all the data building on the server and just pass the parameters using a get from the device. On the server, I just then print the completed result and use the following to read the output

Dim res As String
    res = Response.GetString("UTF8")

have a lok at as an example. The only string building on the device is the url + the Area parameter. I am using a JSON response returned to the device.
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Longtime User
This is the XML string send to my WebServices :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><soap12:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap12=""><soap12:Body><GetReferences xmlns=""><Nom>JOUAN</Nom><Rue></Rue><CP>45</CP><Ville></Ville><Produit></Produit><TypeRecherche>C</TypeRecherche></GetReferences></soap12:Body></soap12:Envelope>
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