I have a webview inside of an AHSwipeToRefresh View. In my webview I am displaying a form, which height is greater than a screen height. So the problem starts when I click on a input box which is on the button of the page and keyboard hides my input box.
I also tried with
Any recomendations what should I do?
I also uploaded my test project.
I have a webview inside of an AHSwipeToRefresh View. In my webview I am displaying a form, which height is greater than a screen height. So the problem starts when I click on a input box which is on the button of the page and keyboard hides my input box.
I also tried with
SetActivityAttribute(Main, android:windowSoftInputMode, adjustResize)
SetActivityAttribute(workadd, android:windowSoftInputMode, "stateHidden|adjustResize")
Any recomendations what should I do?
I also uploaded my test project.