Soft Keyboard Size?
On a 10 inch tablet I use an EditText view and I want it to be as large as possible, so I try to minimize the soft keyboard. But: whatever I do, the soft keyboard uses the full width of the screen and the height is almost 50% of the screen.
In the handbook of Wyken Seagrave (Basic 4 Android) I read (pg 443) that Showkeyboard is related to a view.
What I tried:
* I added a view (a label) called Keys and defined the height as 30%y and the width as 80%x and the top as 70%y and the left as 20%x
* I added IME to the used libraries
* In the Sub Globals I defined: Dim IME1 As IME
* In Activity_Create I stated: IME1.Initialize("") and next: IME1.ShowKeyboard(Keys)
(Besides: left of the label Keys I positioned some buttons to save / load/ cancel. For that reaseon the Keys label had a width of 80%x and a left of 20%x)
But what happened? The soft keyboard did not stay between the borders of the label Keys and the butttons are invisible.
My QUESTION: is it in anyway possible to influence the size of the SoftKeyboard?
And what did Seagrave mean on the relation of the SoftKeyboard to a view?