'version 1'
type test1(i as int, s as string)
private MyMap as map
private testobj as test1
testobj.i = 1
testobj.s = s
'when the app opens:'
MyMap = kvs.get("MyMapKVS")
'....get one element
private MyObj as test1
MyObj = MyMap.get(Keyx)
' now in version 2 of the app I add the list'
type test1(i as int, s as string,l as list)
private MyMap as map
'when the app opens:'
MyMap = kvs.get("MyMapKVS") 'MyMapKVS was saved in version 1 so the objects in do not have the list element
'....get one element
private MyObj as test1
MyObj = MyMap.get(Keyx)
'here if I do '
MyObj.l.initialize 'here I get the null receiver error