For some time now, I have been dealing with a variety of issues related to Jasper reports in the B4j system. I have been using Jasper Studio for some time, but I have had several issues, mainly related to distributing the project that included Jasper reports. Here are some practical tips that might help solve problems with Jasper reports:
1. The JasperReports2 library is very useful and works well.
2. A number of issues (especially in the release version) are related to compiling JRxml into a Jasper report if you are doing this within the B4j project. Therefore, I advise using the following instead of the compileXML function:
a) Create the Jasper report in Jasper Studio and compile it there so that it generates report.jasper. Then, in the source code, instead of using the CompileXML function, simply use loadJRReport. In this case, there is no need to add the Groovy library. I also recommend using Java directly instead of the Groovy language in Jasper Studio. It works faster and better.
3. When creating a JAR (or a Windows Exe) with the IDE's Build Standalone project function, you need to add to the packager property so the system does not report an error...
These are the basic principles I have followed, and the system works without issues - and I certainly recommend it for use...
For some time now, I have been dealing with a variety of issues related to Jasper reports in the B4j system. I have been using Jasper Studio for some time, but I have had several issues, mainly related to distributing the project that included Jasper reports. Here are some practical tips that might help solve problems with Jasper reports:
1. The JasperReports2 library is very useful and works well.
2. A number of issues (especially in the release version) are related to compiling JRxml into a Jasper report if you are doing this within the B4j project. Therefore, I advise using the following instead of the compileXML function:
Private Sub ExecReport As ResumableSub
Dim jasper As JasperReports
Dim report As JasperReport
Dim print As JasperPrint
Dim conn As JasperConnection
' report = jasper.CompileXML(File.Combine(rptStr.ReportFolder, rptStr.ReportFile))
report = jasper.LoadJRReport(File.Combine(rptStr.ReportFolder, rptStr.ReportFile))
' conection type can be mysql or mssql (is in config file)
Dim ConnType As String = Utility.GetValueFromTextFile(rptStr.ReportFolder, rptStr.CfgFile, "ConnType")
If ConnType.ToLowerCase.Contains("mysql") Then
conn = jasper.getConnectionMySQL(Main.Server, Main.Port, Main.Db, Main.Username, Main.Password, False)
conn = jasper.getConnectionMSSQLServerNoInstance(Main.Sql_Server, Main.Sql_Port, Main.Sql_Db, Main.Sql_Username, Main.Sql_Password)
End If
Dim Parameter As Map
' for all key in option module which is b4xdialog (user can input parameters)
For x = 0 To mapOptData.Size -1
Dim fldType As String = Utility.GetFieldType(rptStr.ReportFolder, rptStr.CfgFile, mapOptData.GetKeyAt(x))
Dim strVal As String
Select Case fldType
' convert of date field
Case "D"
DateTime.DateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd"
Dim value As Long = mapOptData.GetValueAt(x)
strVal = DateTime.Date(value)
Case Else
strVal = mapOptData.GetValueAt(x)
End Select
Parameter.Put(mapOptData.GetKeyAt(x), strVal)
print = jasper.Print(report, Parameter, conn)
jasper.JasperViewer(print, False)
Return True
End Sub
a) Create the Jasper report in Jasper Studio and compile it there so that it generates report.jasper. Then, in the source code, instead of using the CompileXML function, simply use loadJRReport. In this case, there is no need to add the Groovy library. I also recommend using Java directly instead of the Groovy language in Jasper Studio. It works faster and better.
3. When creating a JAR (or a Windows Exe) with the IDE's Build Standalone project function, you need to add to the packager property so the system does not report an error...
#Region Project Attributes
#MainFormWidth: 1024
#MainFormHeight: 768
#AdditionalJar: mysql-connector-java-5.1.48-bin.jar
#AdditionalJar: mssql-jdbc-9.4.0.jre11.jar
' #AdditionalJar: groovy-4.0.21.jar
#PackagerProperty: IconFile = ..\Files\truck.ico
#PackagerProperty: ExeName = OptDnCheck
#PackagerProperty: VMArgs = --add-opens b4j/net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill=ALL-UNNAMED
' #PackagerProperty: VMArgs = --add-opens b4j/net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens b4j/net.sf.jasperreports.compilers=ALL-UNNAMED
#End Region
These are the basic principles I have followed, and the system works without issues - and I certainly recommend it for use...