Just to go over your code, it doesnt look right to me.
You set the phone wakestate in the first service, uptil Planner is running the wakestate will prevent the CPU from sleeping.
When Planner stops and DoSomething starts, there is a period of idle time, where even though your wakestate is active, if your app is not doing anything it will be killed and the wakestate will be killed.
Remember what wakestate will do is to prevent the CPU from sleeping when your code is running.
It will not prevent the OS from killing the service if it runs low on resources. Android can kill the service with an active wakestate.
I have tested this consistently on an GalaxyS and S3 and I can confirm that using StartServiceAt will always wake up the device, then the partiallock will keep the CPU active until the code is running, then turning partiallock off, will let it go back to sleep.