So, I finally got thr dahm thing (My Pi) to behave as a webserver...
For time being, and only as a means of seeing "its alive", It serves a single page "Wedding Calendar"
My Apache www folder is set as "mnt/data/webroot/www"
I want to start developing my webapp, so I thought I should first try to set the ABMaterial Demo as a starting point.... So I ran the Demo in B4J, copied the Demo.jar and the www folder to my www folder...
Started the Demo.jar... but there's nothing that shows me the Server is running...
I tried to access it by "" as done with local host, and even tried several other folders, but nothing shows up...
So, can anyone be so kind as to create a small tutorial on how to set and run a internet/public B4J server in the pi and how to access it? PLEASE!!!