I use the Calendar lib to put an event in the calendar, but I got a warning from Google about the use of the READ_CALENDAR and READ_CONTACTS permissions:
Uma intent permite iniciar uma atividade em outro app descrevendo uma ação que você quer realizar (como "ver um mapa" ou "tirar uma foto") em um objeto de intent. Esse tipo de intent é chamada de intent implícita porque...
I know this has been asked previously in this forum, but I tried everything written here and still nothing works for me. What I want to do is to insert an event to the calendar. Since there are sev...
Is possible to add the entry in calendar using this intent?
Dim i As Intent i.Initialize(i.ACTION_EDIT, "content://com.android.calendar/events") 'The title of the event. i.PutExtra("title", "Team reunion") 'The description of the event i.PutExtra("description", "Project Discussion") 'Where the event takes place. i.PutExtra("eventLocation", "Conference...
Dim i As Intent i.Initialize(i.ACTION_EDIT, "content://com.android.calendar/events") 'The title of the event. i.PutExtra("title", "Team reunion") 'The description of the event i.PutExtra("description", "Project Discussion") 'Where the event takes place. i.PutExtra("eventLocation", "Conference...