I would like to animate some views, similar to initializeScale, but I want the effects to be rotated 180 degrees.
Using the Animation.b4a example, I modified the a4 and a5 animations like this:
a5.InitializeScale("", 1, 1, 1, 0)
These give me an object that (a4) starts out empty and fills from top to bottom, and (a5) starts out full and empties from bottom to top.
What I wish to do is
1) Have a box that starts empty and fills from bottom to top
2) Have a box that starts full and empties from top to bottom. Also I would like the box to remain invisible at the end instead of reappearing.
I tried turning the buttons over like this:
Button4.Rotation = 180
Button5.Rotation = 180
This turned the buttons upside down (as evidenced by the position of the gradient and text), but the animations still ran in the same directions as they previously had.
Can you help me reorient the animation?
Could I accomplish the desired effect using setLayoutAnimated instead? Is there a basic tutorial available explaining the use of setLayoutAnimated?