[SOLVED] Application capable of measuring angles and distances.


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I need to develop an application capable of measuring angles and distances.
It can be for B4J or B4A. I prefer B4J.
I have attached some image that shows more or less what I need initially.
As the red dot is moved the measurements changes together. The crane arm is aticulated, and follows the red dot.
What resources would be necessary to build this application?
Captura de tela 2024-09-29 120332.png
Captura de tela 2024-09-29 120427.png


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You need to give more information on what you really want to achieve.
What angles, what distances, what is the coordinates origin ?
Do you have already some code ?
Is it a kind of drawing program with the crane to show the distances and angles with the same questions as above ?
What does represent the blue rectangle in the images ?
etc !!!


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Very intesting. Could you share the code?


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This is exactly what i asked in my post !
What do expect from us ?
Writing the complete application ? The answer is no.
In the images in the link, there are different images of structures in front of the crane.
How are these created, who does draw those etc. etc. !!!
These, again are the questions in my previous post.
And from what i read in the link, it might be a quite huge, and interesting program !
But again. you need to provide much much more details on what you really want to do and also what you expect !
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I need to develop an application capable of measuring angles and distances.
Why? Because you want to sell a competing app or because your company works with trucks and the existing apps are not good enough? Or some other reason?

The more effort you put into explaining your situation and what you need, the better responses you will get. If you don't put any real effort into this thread, then the community will likely get tired and uninterested.


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My boss asked me if I could make an application like this.
Our company works with lifting heavy loads, operating cranes and making calculations for these lifts.
We already use the application in the photo, but it doesn't work for us in every way.
So I wanted some advice on whether I could develop an app like this using B4J or B4A, or if it's better to look for another solution.
I have experience with both B4J and B4A, but not for this type of application, which will work with graphics (images) and measurements.
The graphic resources don't need to be sophisticated, and the environment can be 2D. But I need to be able to move articulated parts (like the crane arm), and measure angles and distances according to how the user moves elements on the screen.


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Understood. Have you considered just asking to maker of the app you're talking about? Perhaps they would value your input and add the functionality to the app.


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Your post reflects exactly what i 'suspected' with the phrase below.
And from what i read in the link, it might be a quite huge, and interesting program !
Then, more precise questions:
- How many different cranes do you have ?
This would need a kind of mathematical model for each.
- Then, i suppose that you need for each situation to generate a model for the specific environment especially for physical obstacles.
This would need a kind of graphics drawing module to draw the environment, find the best crane to do the job and do all the interactive graphics to move the crane elements to visualize what happens.

Very interesting, but it might become a huge project.
Have you already thought about these questions ?

Then :
We already use the application in the photo, but it doesn't work for us in every way.
What are you missing in this application ?

As a first conclusion, all this could be done with B4X.
But, it would need quite some time to develop such a program.
My goal is, by far, not to dis encourage you, but to point out the questions you need to ask yourself and answer them.
Maybe, if it comes to a real project, i could help you.

Good luck :) !!!
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Why? Because you want to sell a competing app or because your company works with trucks and the existing apps are not good enough? Or some other reason?

The more effort you put into explaining your situation and what you need, the better responses you will get. If you don't put any real effort into this thread, then the community will likely get tired and uninterested.

The reason for the request is something that goes beyond the question it self
lf a user, for example, asks for information on how to calculate the square root there is no need to explain whether that calculation is used to solve a school problem or is used in the construction of a bridge, the problem is "how to calculate a square root"

"..If you don't .... , then the community.."
please do not speak on behalf of the entire community, what you have expressed is your opinion not that of the entire community


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I'm sorry, I won't engage with the contents of your post, @amorosik. I will however note that this is the Chit Chat subforum, and I would appreciate if you don't remove relevant words when you quote me in the future. Thanks.


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Hi guys, don't take it personally. We are here to help others.
Sometimes the question just need more clarification.
I think the question can be explained in more precisely and simple.
How to measure the degree from point A at coordinate x1, y1 to point B at coordinate x2, y2?


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I am not expert on this topic but I have some ideas.

1. To measure the angle of a line which start from point A to point B, each point has its coordinate or position in x and y axis.
By using some Mathematics or Trigonometry, we can calculate the angle.

2. For the length, since the background can load with grids, we can assume the scale is like:
1px on screen equivalent to 10mm, then
10px (1 square) is equivalent to 100mm or 1m,
10 squares -> 100px = 10m
Then we can calculate the emulated length.


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Hi guys, don't take it personally. We are here to help others.
Sometimes the question just need more clarification.
I think the question can be explained in more precisely and simple.
How to measure the degree from point A at coordinate x1, y1 to point B at coordinate x2, y2?

Yes of course
But this is not what appeared in the previous posts


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Please let jroriz answer what he really expects.
We do not, at least i do not have enough explanations on what he really expects, that is the reason of my replies.
And without knowing the details it is impossible to give a concrete help.
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Licensed User
Please let the jroriz answer what he really expects.
We do not, at least i do not have enough explanations on what he really expects, that is the reason of my replies.
And without knowing the details it is impossible to give a concrete help.

It is clear that in order to provide concrete help it is necessary to know the problem in detail, there is no doubt about this, especially for those who develop code
But the reasons for the request, as I have already written before, do not provide any additional details
And therefore whether you have to build a competing app or that your company works with trucks and the existing apps are not good enough, has no relevance for the purposes of describing the problem
I do not want to be misunderstood, and I do not think I was abrupt, if I was I sincerely apologize
I am simply arguing that the specific details of a single application have no importance for the purposes of solving a certain problem