Dim arLblTemps() as AutoTextSizeLabel
arLblTemps = Array As AutoTextSizeLabel (lblGiteT, lblPoolT, lblOutsideT, lblFreezerT, lblBungT)
'These next 4 lines work OK
lblGiteT.width = 180 * scalex
lblGiteT.height = 40 * scaley
lblGiteT.left = 23 * scalex
lblGiteT.top = 317 * scaley
'These lines fail with "object must be initialized"
For i = 0 To arLblTemps.length - 1
arLblTemps(i).width = 180 * scalex 'fails with i = 0
arLblTemps(i).height = 40 * scaley
Why does not arLblTemps(0) behave the same as lblGiteT?
I tried adding
at the start of the for loop but no different.