Hello, can the ActionBar really be useful in a desktop program? There you have more space to put menus or other widgets. If you use the same screen structure for all 3, in the end the desktop will be very empty and poor. In any case if you have B4XDrawer available for all 3 platforms. See the example I gave you.
Not developing for desktop app. Nobody uses desktops any more.
My current incorrect understanding of "best practices" in B4X is:
If desired end result is BOTH a B4a app and a B4i app, then start with B4j.
Get the bones perfect.
Worry about UI when you get to B4a and ultimately B4i (get caught up on dues first).
I have solved this issue by some "#if B4J ... #else #if B4A ... #else b4i #end if" statements using the same sub names in each.
Wrote some horrid-looking (who cares?) yet simple jActionBar with a jIkon and a jTitle.