Hi Erel thank you for the replay (you are always the best)!!
About Unit32 I have solved in this way:
Dim ff As ByteConverter
Dim xx As String=ff.HexFromBytes(Packet.Data)
dim val1 as Int = ConvertiHexToUint32(xx,0,4)
dim val2 as Int = ConvertiHexToUint32(xx,4,4)
Sub ConvertiHexToUint32(stringa As String, pos As Int, nn As Int) As Int
Dim val As Int
Dim cc As Int
For a=0 To (nn*2)-1
Dim tmp As String = stringa.CharAt(pos+a)
If tmp="A" Then val=10
If tmp="B" Then val=11
If tmp="C" Then val=12
If tmp="D" Then val=13
If tmp="E" Then val=14
If tmp="F" Then val=15
End Try
Return cc
End Sub
Results are correct !!
The real problem is about float and double data.
I have found this
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IEEE_754-1985 reading about data protocol specification.
Data comes from UDP multicast packet and i receive well but I can't read correctly what's indicated as Float and Double.
I tryed many solution (randomaccess with ReadFloat for example) and many other convertions without succes.
Here an example of data
00000065000000840000018beb89130d000000010000000000000001000000000000000100000001000000000000000100000000000000000000000000000000 404608857afea3df4023b1d9ef3bd43400000000435e970a000000003fe76c8b3f6bc6a8000000003c0f497d0000000000000000000000000000018beb8912b000000000
I convet Packet.data in Exadecimal dump then at byte 168,8 I expect data from 0 to 360 (is heading data) at byte 128,16 GPS latitude and at byte 144,16 GPS longitude of north italy location
Can you help me?