Sub Button1_Click
' change the font high in the customListView
#if B4J
options.CustomListView1.DesignerLabel.Style = ""
#End If
Dim l As B4XView = options.CustomListView1.DesignerLabel
l.Font =xui.CreateDefaultFont(10)
' ###### #######
' ###### Here I try to replace the Items in the CustomListView. But this not work #######
Dim clv As CustomListView = options.CustomListView1
If options.CustomListView1.Size > 0 Then ' only for test at first run the clv is empty
' change all items in clv
For i=0 To clv.Size-1
Dim pnl As B4XView = clv.GetPanel(i)
' For Debug check the Views
For Each v As B4XView In pnl.GetAllViewsRecursive
Log ("The View items: " & GetType(v))
If v Is Label Then
End If
' Replace with high="80"
End If
Wait For (Dialog.ShowTemplate(options, "OK", "", "CANCEL")) Complete (Result As Int)
If Result = xui.DialogResponse_Positive Then
Dialog.Show($"You selected: ${options.SelectedItems}"$, "OK", "", "")
End If
End Sub