Hello, how can I match the text between two B4XFloatTextField? I am using this code, but I can't match the two B4XFloatTextField text. I also used the B4XFloatTextField.mbase.text, same result.
Sub B4XFloatTextField6_TextChanged (Old As String, New As String)
If B4XFloatTextField6.Text = "" And B4XFloatTextField7.Text = "" Then
Label8.Text = ""
SwiftButton3.Enabled = False
End If
If B4XFloatTextField6.mBase.Text <> "" And B4XFloatTextField7.mBase.Text = "" Then
Label8.Text = ""
SwiftButton3.Enabled = False
End If
If B4XFloatTextField7.Text <> B4XFloatTextField6.Text Then
Label8.TextColor = 0xFFf44336
Label8.TextSize = 12
Label8.Text = "Confirm password is not matched with your password"
SwiftButton3.Enabled = False
Label8.TextColor = 0xFF4caf50
Label8.TextSize = 12
Label8.Text = "Password matched"
SwiftButton3.Enabled = True
End If
End Sub