Android Question [Solved] B4XPages root parent color


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Hi all,

I want to open another page with transition effect from right to left, so i follow erel code in this post;

The transition work fine, when i change parent color to green it shows correctly
Root.Parent.Color = xui.Color_Green

I don't know if this is bug or not, but when i try to change root parent color with transparent it doesn't work as expected. only white color shown rather than transparent
Root.Parent.Color = xui.Color_Transparent

Any idea how to solve this ?

Thank you


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By setting the transparent color, would you like to see... your hand?

Being Root a panel, when you set its color to transparent I think you will see the default color of the activity, due to the theme of the app.

Note that I have no experience with B4XPages yet, as I haven't started any new projects.
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you will see the default color of the activity
perhaps, my goal is when new page appear with transition effect by setting transparent color i (thought) can still see page behind it, in this case login page.

and yes this is my first shoot converting my unfinish app to B4XPages, so im still learning too
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Hi. The "problem" with B4XPages is that there is only one visible at a time, which is the one loaded at that moment in the main activity. So you don't have a stack of B4XPages as you open new B4xPages. Moreover, they reuse for example the ActivityBar. Erel himself mentions it in the link you have provided as an example.

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Yeah, when you know how it works, the solution just so simple...

I capture (snapshot) login page and pass the bitmap to target pages as a background.

Make transition effect with B4XPages is more handy rather than activity it self.
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Longtime User
Yeah, when you know how it works, the solution just so simple...

I capture (snapshot) login page and pass the bitmap to target pages as a background.

Make transition effect with B4XPages is more handy rather than activity it self.

Excellent solution !! ??

KISS: "keep it simple, stupid!"
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