Gabino A. de la Gala Well-Known Member Licensed User Longtime User May 2, 2019 #1 I have a problem with default value of Numeric Range Type. It doesn't get the default value loaded into the map. Could be a bug or is something that I'm doing wrong? I've detected in the example project of this post: Each time the program starts, all the fields adquire the correct value, except de "number" field, that alwais start with 0 value.
I have a problem with default value of Numeric Range Type. It doesn't get the default value loaded into the map. Could be a bug or is something that I'm doing wrong? I've detected in the example project of this post: Each time the program starts, all the fields adquire the correct value, except de "number" field, that alwais start with 0 value.
Erel B4X founder Staff member Licensed User Longtime User May 2, 2019 #2 Fixed in v1.61:
Gabino A. de la Gala Well-Known Member Licensed User Longtime User May 2, 2019 #3 Erel said: Fixed in v1.61: Click to expand... Solved. Thanks a lot!!!
Erel said: Fixed in v1.61: Click to expand... Solved. Thanks a lot!!!