I have a form (Main Window) and inside a Pane AboutPane with the same size and inside the pane a BBLabel AboutLabel.
In the Designer everything looks nice. The AboutLabel is on the left side of the AboutPane.
I fill the AboutLabel with styled text (BCTextEngine) and would expect, that the text appears left asigned. but this happens:
What do I do wrong?
the builing of the source text is very simple:
Dim t As String="[alignment=left][vertical=0]" & BAS.ChangeText("","FFFFFF",28) & Translator.Translate("Song-Info") & "..." & CRLF& CRLF& CRLF
t=t & BAS.ChangeText(Translator.Translate("Composer"),"FF7700",28)& CRLF
It looks like the text is centered. Did I forget anything?