B4J Question [Solved] Beta version B4J Custom Views


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If I leave the custom view as a class, and add to the project, I can use it in the designer - CustomView is enabled in the add view menu.

If I compile to a library and add to project, I can only add the custom control via code, in the designer, the CustomView option is disabled.

Pretty sure Erel said we can use as a class or a library.

Any ideas?


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Is the designer window active when you add it to the project? I believe you have to refresh the designer by closing and opening it again.

@DonManfred - Totally posted this in the wrong thread and had to repost here. (In case you got a notification of me mentioning you and having the post not be there.)
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Tried adding after designer opened, before I opened it, but it still will not see the control when in a library.

I will try re-doing as pure java library and see if it recognises it then.
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@Daestrum - Hmm. It works for me. I imported the module, opened the designer, and the control is there. I also did a test and when you import a module with the designer open, it doesn't recognize it so I had to close then re-open the designer.

Are you importing via Project > Add Existing Module ?
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@ColdBlueLava no as it's compiled as a library I simply add in the libraries tab.
If I add as a 'normal' module (.bas) all is well.

Re-wrote in pure java and it works, the designer can see it, so I must be missing something when making it into a library from the IDE.
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Sorted - found the cause of the problem.

The IDE > Library uses the old Doclet (v1.00), which leaves out the DesignerCreateView sub

Simply by editing the xml for the library and inserting the missing method, the control appears in the internal designer.

The missing method is (corrected for the IDE making names lower case)
	<name DesignerName="DesignerCreateView">_designercreateview</name>

Hope this helps others to produce custom controls from the IDE > compile to library.
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Still this is a workaround that should be fixed for final release, right @Erel?
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