Hi, did anyone get a subscription purchase to work?
Create a product id in google console, all perfect, but for some reason the product list returns it to 0.
billing.SubscriptionsSupported return true
Result,IsSucess = true
QuerySkuDetails return list = 0 ?
Any clue that I may be doing wrong?
Sub Button_billing_Click
Wait For (Starter.billing.ConnectIfNeeded) Billing_Connected (result As BillingResult)
If result.IsSuccess Then
Dim sf As Object = Starter.billing.QuerySkuDetails("subs", Array(Starter.ADS_SDK_ID))
Wait For (sf) Billing_SkuQueryCompleted (result As BillingResult, SkuDetails As List)
If result.IsSuccess And SkuDetails.Size = 1 Then
'start the billing process. The PurchasesUpdated event will be raised in the starter service
result = Starter.Billing.LaunchBillingFlow(SkuDetails.Get(0))
Log("LaunchBillingFlow: " & result.IsSuccess)
End If
ToastMessageShow("Error starting billing process", True)
End If
End Sub
thank you very much to all!