My app supports two Bluetooth devices, one uses BLE and the other uses Classic Bluetooth.
Now I am looking for an elegant solution for the automatic connection setup.
The user does not have to select a device himself, he should only press a button and the app must connect to one of the two devices.
Of course I also have two different classes for the two different Bluetooth protocols.
Maybe someone has asked the question before and also has a solution for it.
Why not cycle through the specified devices trying to connect to one of them and if unable to connect to one, pass on to trying to connect to the other... Repeat if connecting lost...
Why not cycle through the specified devices trying to connect to one of them and if unable to connect to one, pass on to trying to connect to the other... Repeat if connecting lost...
Implementing each of the BT types in a different class is a good start. Each one should work independently and try to connect. They aren't really related to each other.
Implementing each of the BT types in a different class is a good start. Each one should work independently and try to connect. They aren't really related to each other.
Here's my solution, I think it's elegant enough.
It's a class that manages the two Bluetooth class.
Sub Class_Globals
Private bt As clsBluetooth
Private ble As clsBluetoothBle
End Sub
'Initializes the object. You can add parameters to this method if needed.
Public Sub Initialize
'Classic-Bluetooth initialisieren.
bt.Initialize(Me, "bt")
'BLE initialisieren.
ble.Initialize(Me, "ble")
End Sub
Public Sub ConnectDevice
End Sub
Public Sub IsConnected As Boolean
Return bt.IsConnected Or ble.IsConnected
End Sub
#Region bt-Funktionen
Private Sub bt_DeviceNotFound
End Sub
Private Sub bt_DeviceConnected
Log("bt.IsConnected=" & bt.IsConnected)
End Sub
#End Region
#Region ble-Funktionen
Private Sub ble_DeviceNotFound
End Sub
Private Sub ble_DeviceConnected
Log("ble.IsConnected=" & ble.IsConnected)
End Sub
#End Region
Public Sub DestroyConnection
If bt.IsConnected Then
else if ble.IsConnected Then
End If
End Sub