Hey everyone,
When using frotal camare, where the image token changes in the preview.
Is there a way to maintain consistency with the image token throughout, without it flipping in the preview?
Camera2 lib:
Mediachooser works if I change the settings in the phone, but my app is already using camera2, and before start changing things,
Is it possible to prevent the preview image from flipping using Camera2?
When using frotal camare, where the image token changes in the preview.
Is there a way to maintain consistency with the image token throughout, without it flipping in the preview?
Camera2 lib:
Camera2 - Still images and videos
Camera2 library is based on the Camera2 API introduced in Android 5 (API 21). It is designed to work together with CamEx2 class. It is supported by B4A v7.3+. The library will be included as an internal library in the next update. Both image capturing and video recording are supported. CamEx2...
Mediachooser works if I change the settings in the phone, but my app is already using camera2, and before start changing things,
Is it possible to prevent the preview image from flipping using Camera2?