B4J Question [SOLVED] [can be better] I want to create something like a timeline player...


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timeline.jpg Hi there...

I am creating a project into project... i want to create a timeline player for tracked positions of different vehicles...

When i want to view the positions of one vehicle is simple but when i am having 100 of them is difficult....

So i must create a timeline in my mind comes like a big array...

So the times will go at first row measuring by second...


So at first row timerline(0,0)="00:00", timeline(0,1)="00:01"
At second and after will have vehicle/tracking record of database will just seek when needed...

So what is the best way to visualize it...?

Tableview or something else ?

I want if possible someway playing and have index with the control..

Your opinion matters..

And here is what i ve done until today:

Created Timeline Example with ScrollPane/Pane at the textfiled output the specific second/of a day (0 to 86399 - 86400 seconds/day) ---> so you can turn it in time simple...

but yet not created as control, from the other hand is doing what i want...

So here i am sharing with all you need it...


  • timeline-example.zip
    6.1 KB · Views: 391
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Define "timeline" as in what interval, continuous or defined limits, etc..

A continuous time line wouldn't be too difficult to create as a graph, not a fixed limit one.. the issue would be how to correctly represent the occurrences in that timeline...

When I have the need for "one of" views, I create them following the same logic I would to represent them on paper...
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Timeline like Adobe Premier... or like any video editor... for example


But at Audio 1, 2, 3 etc... have in mind that will be vehicles... that appears in use, in time..

Limits will be a day.. from 00:00:00 to 23:59:59 measuring by second not ms/frame such in the photo...

As i am working seems scrollpane and labels into it will be right / but what can i use for ruler ? labels again ?
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Licensed User
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Timeline like Adobe Premier... or like any video editor... for example


But at Audio 1, 2, 3 etc... have in mind that will be vehicles... that appears in use, in time..

Limits will be a day.. from 00:00:00 to 23:59:59 measuring by second not ms/frame such in the photo...

As i am working seems scrollpane and labels into it will be right / but what can i use for ruler ? labels again ?
For a ruler you could use an image, since it's a fixed length timeline
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Use the touch event
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Licensed User
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You also could have a full width label, centered on screen. This would then only show a portion of the ruler, then when the red label reached the edge of either side, you would slide in the rest of the ruler as needed
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Licensed User
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Or better yet, have a zoomed out time line and replace the red line by a square, then underneath the ruler have a zoomed in partial timeline representing the square emplacement
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I'm at my day job, so I can't make up a custom view for you... Difficult is what drives us
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Keep this updated, I will be glad to assist with what I can
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Licensed User
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can you post a screen shot of how it should look like? I'm getting a blank screen... reading your code I was under the impression that the volvo would appear after one minute... but nothing happens...
it may be on my side, since my RAM is more limited than most...
How pressed are you (timewise) with this? I would like to give it a shot...
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