iOS Question [SOLVED] Cannot download build: The Given path's format is not supported

Andrew (Digitwell)

Well-Known Member
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I have just compiled an app for release with the non store provision.

The compilation works fine and the app install and loads on my local test phone as normal.

However, when I try to download the last build, I get the following error:
[IDE message - 2:57:00]
An error occurred.
The given path's format is not supported.

I am using the hosted builder and I have tried on both the primary and secondary with the same error.

Does anyone know what the problem is.

Andrew (Digitwell)

Well-Known Member
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Ok, sorted it.
The client requested a change to the app name which included a ":".

The download is using the appname as the download file name.

It seems in the last step of downloading the file, B4I attempts to rename the file from to the application name and this is what was failing.

I will add a wish to see if this can be fixed.
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Longtime User
I don't think you can have a colon in the file name on windows, as it normally denotes a drive letter.
If you try and create a new text file (in explorer) it simply wont let you type the colon in the name.
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Andrew (Digitwell)

Well-Known Member
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Yes, that is correct.

Apple / Google does allow a colon in the name of the app.

B4X can handle spaces in names, it just needs to do the same thing if there are any other invalid characters in the name. I have added a wish.

Now I know what the problem is, there are other workarounds, i.e., ignore the error and use the file that was generated.
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