@Erel, I put SOLVED in title because i found a solution who works. But if you want to displace the thread it's ok for me.
It's logical, but my first mistake is probably due to confusion in both syntaxes of B4R and Arduino.
So i forget that we can manage it in B4x, but without logical operators in conditional compiler code.
Instead we must put several conditions in setup project for some cases.
Sorry, it's a bit difficult to stay concentrated between the both syntaxes, especially in the same project. And for repeat the things like on screenshots i can't today all work fine
Ok, so it's possible to do, need to use imbriqued conditions and need to respect the exact order of conditions who it used in the example. All explanations are in the code in comments
This example works in the 2 modes with conditional compiler who compile only the right code.
There is also 2 other conditions to allow debug or release modes, even if B4R don't manage the 2 modes.
That's good, it was what i needed, hope the example can help
Have a nice day.