Hello, i have a few questions regarding this
Asume i have a working LetsEncrypt-Certificate running on my Webserver. On the same machine i´m running multiple B4J Server apps. It is a Windows VPS.
What do i need to do to create a keystore with this Certificate to use it in my b4j server apps?
Asking another way: What kind of key must be in the keystore?
or: Is the keystore compareable to a.PFX-File?
Can i convert/export my LetsEncrypt-Certificate to a Keystore which i then can use in my Serverapps?
[Server] SSL Connections
Starting from B4J v2.00 the server can listen to two ports, the standard insecure port (http) and a secure port (https). The default port for http is 80 and for https is 443. These ports are used when the url doesn't explicitly specify a port number. It is recommended to go over the Wikipedia...

Asume i have a working LetsEncrypt-Certificate running on my Webserver. On the same machine i´m running multiple B4J Server apps. It is a Windows VPS.
What do i need to do to create a keystore with this Certificate to use it in my b4j server apps?
Asking another way: What kind of key must be in the keystore?
or: Is the keystore compareable to a.PFX-File?
Can i convert/export my LetsEncrypt-Certificate to a Keystore which i then can use in my Serverapps?