Mission was to Select based on the start of aString, not the entire aString.
I missed that requirement
Reading the items in the example list (post #3) they reminded me of some FTP commands, so whole strings.
Separator: the searched for string doesn't need a separator. It's used to make the "available items" list easier to read (and to avoid situations like Post/Postman).
Anyway it was just an old trick as
@tigrot reminded me.
BTW, if the OP really needs to test whether aString begins with A, B,C.., he could
- extract the ASCII code from the first char of the searched for string (eventually normalized to 0..25)
- use the code as the value for the select statement
as suggested in post #2
or look for that char in the "alphabet" string ("ABCDEF..") and use its position as the case value.
Tonight I don't feel so creative so I stop here