Android Question [SOLVED] Crash on Statemanager


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I am using Statemanager v1.20.

I got this error message:
Error loading state.
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: length=1; index=1
java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.RuntimeException: Cannot parse:  as boolean
    at anywheresoftware.b4a.keywords.Common$
    at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(
    at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
    at android.os.Looper.loop(
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Cannot parse:  as boolean
    at anywheresoftware.b4a.BA.parseBoolean(
    at anywheresoftware.b4a.BA.ObjectToBoolean(
    at ciris.chauffeur.statemanager$ResumableSub_innerRestoreState.resume(
    at ciris.chauffeur.statemanager._innerrestorestate(
    at ciris.chauffeur.statemanager$ResumableSub_innerRestoreState.resume(
    at ciris.chauffeur.statemanager._innerrestorestate(
    at ciris.chauffeur.statemanager$ResumableSub_innerRestoreState.resume(
    at ciris.chauffeur.statemanager._innerrestorestate(
    at ciris.chauffeur.statemanager$ResumableSub_innerRestoreState.resume(
    at ciris.chauffeur.statemanager._innerrestorestate(
    at ciris.chauffeur.statemanager$ResumableSub_innerRestoreState.resume(
    at anywheresoftware.b4a.keywords.Common$
    ... 7 more

After I add a CustomlistView with a panel with Checkbox on it, I got this.
My Panel:
Sub CreateItem(h As Int, j As Int, naam As String) As Panel
    Dim pnl As Panel, lblNaam,lblCode As Label, chkGreen,chkRed As CheckBox, TextWidth As Int

    lblNaam.Initialize("") 'View #0
    lblNaam.Text = naam
    lblNaam.TextColor = Colors.DarkGray
    lblNaam.TextSize = 18
    If(Activity.Width>=1200) Then
        lblNaam.TextSize = 22
    End If
    lblNaam.Gravity = Gravity.CENTER_VERTICAL - 170dip
    pnl.AddView(lblNaam, 0, 0, TextWidth, h)

    lblCode.Initialize("") 'View #1
    lblCode.Text = CodeList.Get(j)
    lblCode.TextColor = Colors.DarkGray
    lblCode.TextSize = 18
    If(Activity.Width>=1200) Then
        lblCode.TextSize = 22
    End If
    lblCode.Gravity = Gravity.CENTER_VERTICAL
    pnl.AddView(lblCode, TextWidth+5dip, 0, 80dip, h)

    chkGreen.Initialize("ChkGreen") 'View #2
    pnl.AddView(chkGreen, TextWidth+90dip, 0, 40dip, h)

    chkRed.Initialize("ChkRed") 'View #3
    pnl.AddView(chkRed, TextWidth+130dip, 0, 40dip, h)

    If(CheckGreen.Get(j) = True) Then chkGreen.Checked=True
    If(CheckRed.Get(j) = True) Then chkRed.Checked=True

    Return pnl
End Sub

Can someone tell me where to start to find the cause?

Kind regards,


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    If(CheckGreen.Get(j) = True) Then chkGreen.Checked=True
    If(CheckRed.Get(j) = True) Then chkRed.Checked=True
As this code is the only Boolean manipulation in that code and as whatever can't be parsed as Boolean doesn't have a name I would check the those Get(j) calls are returning Booleans and not Nulls.

EDIT: Also the comparison would be better if True is on the left as the type of the left value determines the type of comparison.
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Thanks. I did check this. I even disabled these lines. Still same problem.

Normal run is no problem. The problem only exist on running StateManager.RestoreState(Activity, "Hoofdscherm", 0)

Kind regards,
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I don't see that detail mentioned, nor it's code, in your post. It then seems the problem is not in the code you posted.

First of all: Thank you for helping me!!

The code I use to call StateManager is:
Sub imvSynch_Click
    StateManager.RestoreState(Activity, "Hoofdscherm", 0)
    StopService(GPSLocatie)                                'TIJDELIJK
End Sub

I can also send v1.20 of Statemanager if you wish, but this is the default library.
I don't know what to send more.

The problem only appears after adding the CLV with the panel based on the code in the first post.
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The problem appears to be in Sub innerRestoreState which has been called recursively as you can see from the stack trace. As the problem started after you added a Panel it is probably in the last "Else If v Is Panel" code. It might be that StateManager can't cope with a CustomList view. as it was written years ago. Erel says at the top of the StateManager thread

Edit: StateManager was written in 2011. I don't recommend using it for new projects. Use B4XPages + KVS2 instead.

NOTE: The above comment is old and KVS2 is deprecated . Erel really means the internal KeyValueStore library
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Thanks again.

These note is new to me. I started the project in 2016 and it is still not B4XPages, because it is large.
I think I need to change my CLV component to a ListView. I know this is a step backwards, but I do not have the possibility to study migration to Pages at this moment.

A quick view at KVS2 looks like I have to build a Statemanager based on this myself or is there already a complete solution to save and restore my activity?
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Not KVS2! Use the internal KeyValueStore library v2.31. It is not dependent on B4XPages. Erel always says use B4XPages but if your project exists and doesn't then it's not a problem. Yes you will have to build your own custom state manager as I am not aware of a a generic pre-built version.
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I will check this out. Thanks for pointing my to this direction.
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