B4J Question [SOLVED] Create textfield not showing


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Trying to create a textfield that can be added to a AnchorPane.. but nothing shows.. when I do a label it works fine..

am I doing it wrong?

Sub CreateTextBox(ID As String) As TextField
    Dim t As TextField
    t.tag = ID
    't.SetSize(280, 29)
    t.PrefWidth = 280
    t.PrefHeight = 29
    Return t
End Sub


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Longtime User
Solved issue by:

Sub CreateTextBox(ID As String) As TextField
    Dim jo As JavaObject
    jo.InitializeNewInstance("javafx.scene.control.TextField", Null)
    Dim t As TextField = jo
    t.tag = ID
    t.Id = ID
    t.PrefWidth = 280
    t.PrefHeight = 29
    Return t
End Sub
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