Android Question [Solved] error: resource android:attr/lStar not found.


Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi Guys and Gals....

For the first time ever I see this error :

And I've been searching high and low, downloading and copying resources and sdk tools, but the error doesn't go away!!!

The only thing diferent that I did was adding the FirebaseAuth lib and Manifest entries....
This error happens with a misconfigured SDK or an old and no longer supported library (none of the official libraries).


Licensed User
Longtime User
This error happens with a misconfigured SDK or an old and no longer supported library (none of the official libraries).
Since I was only using internal libs, I went all out and deleted both Android and Java folders, followed the installation guidelines and downloaded/"Installed" them again, run the SDK manager and re-tried complitation... ALL GOOD!
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