iOS Question [Solved] FontAwesome not working as button icons


Licensed User
(re: related thread: )

I had an issue where FontAwesome icons that looked great in Designer:

were not displaying in the actual program:

and what I eventually tracked it down to was a programming mistake/oversight on my part (hard to believe, I know ;-/ ) when resizing the button label:
Dim V As View
For I = 0 To RootPanel.NumberOfViews - 1
    V = RootPanel.GetView(I)
    If V Is Button Then
        AsButton = V
        AsLabel = AsButton.CustomLabel

        '*** bad - font changed back to default font ***
        'AsLabel.Font = AsLabel.Font.CreateNew(AsLabel.Font.Size * TextScale)

        '*** good - font unchanged eg remains FontAwesome ***
        AsLabel.Font = AsLabel.Font.CreateNew2(AsLabel.Font.Name, AsLabel.Font.Size * TextScale)
Presumably this issue would also apply where FontAwesome (or other iconic fonts) are used in labels etc too.
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